The sound of gunshots has become an
all-too-familiar and unwelcome occurrence in many communities across the nation.
When shots ring out, 911 calls from worried citizens may come from a large
area. Unfortunately, even with numerous reports, police are often
frustrated in their efforts to silence this gunfire because they cannot pinpoint
the location of gunshots rapidly. A U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientist
recognized that sound waves traveling through the air away from a gunshot are
basically similar to the sound waves traveling through the ground away from an
earthquake. Scientists then have adapted their methods for quickly finding
the exact source of an earthquake to the problem of locating gunshots. Field testing of a gunshot--locating system inspired by earthquake technology began in 1995. After only a few weeks of tes A. scientific development can greatly enrich people’s life. B. scientific concepts are too abstract for people to understand. C. scientific knowledge is a great stimulus to economic development. D. scientific research in one field can aid society in an unrelated area. [单选题]被电击伤并经过心肺复苏抢救成功的电击伤员,都应让其充分休息,并在医务人员指导下进行不少于()h的心脏监护。
A.12 B.24 C.36 D.48 [判断题]对火场中救出的碳化的尸体,转移至室外后放于路边即可。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于特种作业的项目是( )
A.电工作业 B.起重机作业 C.高处作业 D.煤气作业 [单项选择]下列选项中不属于结构化程序设计方法的是( )。
A. 自顶向下 B. 逐步求精 C. 模块化 D. 可复用 [单选题]关于肉毒梭菌形态学特点的叙述正确的是
A.革兰阳性短粗杆菌 B.革兰阳性短粗杆菌,无芽胞 C.革兰阴性细长杆菌 D.无芽胞、菌毛 E.革兰阴性短粗杆菌 [填空题]It’s Friday morning in the year 2025, and you’re running late.
You got distracted watched the music video that is playing in the 1. ______ comer of your bathroom mirror while you were brushing your teeth. How will you get to your office at Mega Giga Industries on time A quick check of your Internet-connected refrigerator magnet tells you your train which travels in speeds up to 250 miles an hour 2. ______ as it electromagnetical hovers above its guide track—is a bit 3. ______ behind schedule, too. So you decide to drive your environmentally-friendly hydrogen fuel cell car instead—or rather, let your car drive you. It’s programmed to know the way, and it will get you there without speeding, getting lost, or crashing. Settling into your office chair, that changes color to match 4. ______ what you’re wearing, you pick u [单选题]防止气锁的方法中无效的是( )。
A.放套管气生产 B.在泵的进口下面装气锚 C.控制套压,提高油液进泵压力 D.提高冲次 [判断题]扫线一般用水蒸气或惰性气体吹扫。()
[多选题]站(中队)指挥员的列队位置:横队、并列纵队时,连指挥员位于一分队长右侧,后列为( )。
A.政治指导员 B.副站(中队)长 C.站(中队)长助理 D.副政治指导员 [判断题]当一国经济面临过热时,下列政府调控措施中力度最大的是减少转移支付。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交