After he became Chancellor Hitler had
to accept a certain degree of routine. This was against his natural inclination.
He hated systematic work, hated any discipline. Administration bored him and he
usually left, as much as he could to others. When he had a big speech to prepare
he would put off beginning work on it until the last moment. Once he could bring
himself to begin dictating he worked himself into a passion rehearsing the whole
performance and shouting so loudly that his voice echoed through the neighboring
rooms. The speech composed, he was a man with a load off his mind. He would
invite his secretaries to lunch praising and flattering them and amusing them.
Most North Germans regarded such lack of discipline as a typically Austrian
characteristic. In Hitler’s eyes it was part of his artist nature: he should
have been A. liked a brilliant, aristocratic way of life B. liked luxury and irresponsibility C. was fonder of pleasure than of work D. liked modest and ordinary pleasures [判断题]亚健康常常是人们自感不爽、但检查无病的一种状态。
A.y2~x2 B.y3~x2 C.y3~x3 D.y4~x3 [单选题]( )不属于生产经营单位主要负责人安全生产教育培训的内容。
A.工商保险的政策、法律、法规 B.安全生产管理知识和方法 C.国家有关安全生产的方针、政策 D.典型事故案例分析 [填空题]
A--Buyer Behavior
Segmentation ( )记者招待会 ( )产品差异化C--Target Audience D--Advertising Budget E--Environmental Analysis F--Market Positioning G--Broadcasting Advertising H--Online Advertising I--Idea Generation J--Press Conferences K--Point-of-Purchase Advertising L--Directory Advertising M--Tracking Feedback N--Feature Stories O--Message Development P--Product Differentiation [简答题]根据资料内容,结合我国实际,自选角度,自拟标题,写一篇议论文。
[要求] 观点鲜明,主题明确,分析合理,论述深刻,语言流畅,文字不少于900字。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )移频轨道电路,相邻轨道区段不得采用相同载频。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]沙土后戗戗顶一般高出浸润线出逸点O.5~1.0m,戗坡不陡于( )。
A.1∶1 B.1∶1.5 C.1∶3 D.1∶2 [单项选择]现代市场经济和社会主义公有制都以社会化大生产和发达的( )为基础。
A. 国民政策 B. 经济制度 C. 社会分工 D. 宪法规章 我来回答: 提交