Although no one is certain why
migration occurs, there are several theories. One theory claims that prehistoric
birds of the Northern Hemisphere were forced south during the Ice Age. As the
glaciers melted, the birds came back to their homelands, spent the summer, and
then went south again as the ice advanced in winter. In time, the migration
became a habit in spite of the disappearance of glaciers. Another theory proposes that the ancestral home of all modern birds was the tropics. When the region became overpopulated, many species were crowded north. During the summer, there was plenty of food, but during the winter, scarcity forced them to return to the tropics. A more recent theory suggests a relationship between increasing daylight and the stimulation of certain glands(腺)in the birds’ bodies that may prepare them fo A. exact reasons for migration are not known B. birds migrate because of changes in temperature C. the ancestral home of all birds was the tropics D. glaciers caused birds to migrate [判断题]电视天线的拉线与电力线路的净空距离应大于3m。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]女,65岁,跌倒,臀部着地。当即腰部疼痛,不能活动,首选的检查方法是
A.X线片 B.CT C.MRI D.超声检查 E.核素扫描 [单选题]倒闸操作前不核对设备、违规跳项、漏项操作,或擅自解锁操作。属于( )违章。
A.闯红线 B.特别严重 C.严重 D.一般 [单选题]对捻转补泻中补法的叙述,下列错误的是
A.捻转角度小 B.用力轻 C.频率慢 D.操作时间短 E.拇指向后,食指向前(右转用力为主) [多选题]在宫殿中,象征长寿的动物雕刻有()。
A.狮子 B.龟 C.鹤 D.麒麟 E.鹿 [填空题]血沉的参考值,男性为0-15mm/h女性为______mm/h。
[判断题]当带轮孔加大时必须镶套,套与轴用键连接,套与带轮长用加骑缝螺钉方法固定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 加热炉吹灰器的主要作用是( )。
A.吹除辐射室的积灰 B.吹除对流室的积灰 C.吹除炉管上的积灰 D.吹除烟囱上的积灰 [判断题]使用中的防爆电气设备的防爆性能检查至少每年一次。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]直流电磁式时间继电器的延时根据什么原理来实现的?
[判断题]LKD1-T型车站列控中心设备响应时间不超过1s。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]列车在区间被迫停车后,已请求救援时,应从救援列车开来方面(不明时,从列车前后两方面)距离列车不小于( )m 处放置响墩防护。
A.300 B.500 C.800 D.1000 [判断题]人身保险公司承诺未经客户同意,不会将客户信息用于人身保险公司和第三方机构的销售活动
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]危险化学品仓库按其使用性质和经营规模分为三种类型.大型仓库、中型仓库、小型仓库。中型仓库或货场是指总面积()平方米。
A. 550~9000 B. 500~10000 C. 900~9000 D. 900~10000 [单项选择]The microscope and telescope, with their capacity to enlarge, isolate and probe, demonstrate how details can be ________and separated from the whole.
A. radiated B. extended C. prolonged D. magnified [单项选择]执照规定证券交易所交易主机对买卖双方大宗交易的成交申报进行成交确认的时间为()。
A. 正常交易日15:00-15:30 B. 正常交易日13:00-15:00 C. 正常交易日14:57-15:00 D. 正常交易日15:00-15:15 [单选题]程序化控制的变电站必须严格校验操作命令和操作条件,防止误操作。
A. 对 B. 错 [判断题]光声光谱技术中,特定气体吸收特定波长的红外线后,温度升高,随即以释放热能的方式退激,释放出的热能使气体产生成比例的压力波。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列情形中,用人单位可以直接解除劳动合同的是()
A. 女职工在孕期、产假、哺乳期内的 B. 劳动者经过培训或者调整工作岗位,仍不能胜任工作的 C. 劳动者患职业病被确认丧失劳动能力的 D. 劳动者被依法追究刑事责任的 [单选题]高层建筑尽头式消防车道普通消防车的回车场不宜小于()。
A. 10m×10m B. 12m×12m C. 15m×15m D. 18m×18m [简答题]什么是三大规程?
A. 如果可以,在人际交往中直呼其名 B. 向人借钱 C. 外出用餐的话,各自付账 D. 碰撞了别人后,马上道歉 [单选题]游标卡尺可以测量( )精度的内外尺寸、高度、深度以及齿高、齿厚等。
A.高等 B.低等 C.任何 D.中等 [不定项选择题]A.9~11岁
A.16岁以后 B.4~6岁 C.2岁 D.3~6个月 E.单侧唇裂修复手术的最佳时机是在 我来回答: 提交