1999年我国重庆市綦江县彩虹桥突然整体垮塌,造成40人死亡,14人受伤,直接经济损失631万元,在国内一度成为人们关注的热点,引起全社会对建设工程质量整体水平的怀疑,构成社会不安定因素,所以对于建设工程质量问题和质量事故不能掉以轻心,必须予以高度重视。 |
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[单选题]制作小牛肉火腿批要把小牛肉和火腿加工成( )。
A.薄片 B.大片 C.大丁 D.小丁 [多选题]烘炉期间应仔细重点观察的内容有 )。
A.护炉铁件的变化 B.动态炉窑的运转情况 C.内衬膨胀情况 D.炉体的膨胀情况 E.拱顶的变化情况 [多选题]根据中国保险行业协会制订的《保险从业人员行为准则实施
细则》中,保险从业人员的基本准则,以下行为准则正确的有( ) A.重合同,守信用,恪守最大诚信原则,珍惜和维护保险从业人员的职 业声誉。 B.不得玩忽职守,严禁参与承保欺诈、骗赔、多赔等活动。 C.应保护所在机构的商业秘密,遵守与其签订的保密和竞业禁止协议。 D.遵纪守法,服从监管,执行自律规则,遵守所在机构的规章制度。 [简答题]请简述堂吉诃德第二次出游的结束。
Where Did All the Ships Go?
The Bermuda Triangle is one______(51)the greatest mysteries of the sea.In this triangular area between Florida,Puerto Rico and Bermuda in Atlantic,ships and airplanes_(52)to disappear more often than in______(53)parts of the ocean.And they do so______(54)leaving any sign of all accidents or any dead bodies. It is_______(55)that Christopher Columbus was the first person to record strange happenings in the area.His compass stopped working,a flame came down from the sky,and a wave 100 to 200 feet high carried his ship about a mile away. The most famous disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle was the US Naval Air Right 19.______(56) December 5,1945,five bomber planes carrying 14 men______(57)on a training mission from the Florida coast.Later that day,all communications with Flight 19 were lost.They just disappeared without a trace. The next morning,242 planes and 19 ships took part in the largest air-sea search in history.But they found nothing. Some people blame the disappearances______(58)supernatural forces.It is suggested that the ______(59)ships and planes were either transported to other times and places,kidnapped by aliens ______( 60 ) attacked by sea creatures. There are______(61)natural explanations,though.The US Navy says that the Bermuda Triangle is one of two places on earth______(62)a magnetic compass points towards true north______(63) magnetjc north.______(64),planes and ships can lose their way if they don't make adjustments. The area also has changing weather and is known______(65)its high waves.Storms can turn up suddenly and destroy a plane or ship.Fast currents could then sweep away any trace of an accident. 52._________ A.often B.look C.sometimes D.seem [单项选择]2011年4月1日,甲事业单位采用融资租赁方式租入一台管理用设备并投入使用。租赁合同规定,该设备租赁期为5年,每年4月1日支付年租金100万元,租赁期满后甲事业单位可按1万元的优惠价格购买该设备。当日,甲事业单位支付了首期租金。甲事业单位融资租入该设备的入账价值为( )万元。
A. 100 B. 101 C. 500 D. 501 [判断题]工作负责人、工作许可人、专责监护人应始终在工作现场。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列情况出现时,哪一个不构成持票人行使追索权的条件()
A. 付款人以其与持票人的债务纠纷正在诉讼期间为由,而不予付款时,持票人可对其前手行使追索权 B. 在汇票到期日之前,承兑人或者付款人因违法行为而被责令暂停业务活动的 C. 在汇票到期日之前,承兑人或付款人被依法宣告破产的 D. 在汇票到期日之前,承兑人因为犯罪行为而畏罪潜逃的 [多项选择]逆行造影的禁忌症()
A. 下尿路感染 B. 尿路阴性结石 C. 尿道狭窄 D. 膀胱肿瘤 E. 泌尿系结核 [单选题]作业人员在接触运行中的金属计量箱前,应检查( ),并用验电笔确认其确无电压后,方可接触。
A. A.计量箱是否违法开启 我来回答: 提交