One day a farmer went out for a walk
with his little son. The farmer put on a pair of wrong shoes, one with a thick
sole (鞋底) and the other with a thin one. So as he began to walk, he felt very
uncomfortable (不舒服). When he was just out of the house, he turned to his son and
said, "Why should one of my legs be longer than the other today " The son looked at his father’s legs carefully as he was walking and then laughed," Oh, no, Daddy, your legs are all right. You have put on the wrong shoes." The farmer was very happy to hear that and said to himself, "What a clever son I have got!" Then he asked his son to go back and get the other pair of shoes for him. The farmer had only two pairs of shoes. When the son ran back to the house, he found th [单选题]第一个实现登陆月球的人是( )。
A.嫦娥 B.加加林 C.阿姆斯特朗 D.阿波罗 [单选题]选择日常生活类辅具的原则,不正确的是 ( )。
A.性能可靠原则 B.昂贵物美原则 C.使用方便原则 D.就地取材原则 [多选题]处方药包括:
A.国际规定管制的特殊药品 B.新上市的新药 C.本身毒性较大的药品 D.治疗借助于诊断手段来确诊的疾病,并由医师开具处方,用于专属性强、病情严重而有医护 人员监督指导使用的药品 [单项选择]在计算机的局域网中,为网络提供共享资源,并对这些资源进行管理的计算机,一般称为
A. 网站 B. 工作站 C. 网络适配器 D. 网络服务器 [单选题]在开展10kV某某线停电工作中,因特殊情况需要变更工作接地线装设位置,应( )。
A.由工作班成员征得工作负责人同意,在工作票上注明变更情况。 B.由工作负责人征得工作票签发人同意,并在工作票上注明变更情况。 C.由工作负责人征得工作许可人同意,在工作票上注明变更情况。 D.由工作负责人征得配电管理所所长同意,在工作票上注明变更情况。 [单选题]居民住宅小区非经营性公用附属设施用电属于(____)。
A.工业用电 B.居民生活用电 C.农业生产用电 D.商业用电 [多项选择]在工程质量控制中,直方图可用于()。
A. 分析产生质量问题的原因 B. 分析判断质量状况 C. 估算生产过程总体的不合格品率 D. 分析生产过程是否稳定 E. 评价过程能力 [简答题]锅炉正常运行中结焦有何危害,如何防止?
A. 创建邮件 B. 管理邮件 C. 收发邮件 D. 删除邮件 [单项选择]男性,28岁。不规则低热3周,伴腹胀纳差,全身不适,但仍能坚持上班,既往有溃疡病史,昨天腹泻3次,今晨突然剧烈腹痛,2h后体温明显升高,被送往医院。体检:腹肌板样强直,全腹有压痛和反跳痛。化检:WBC15.8×109/L,N0.86(86%),L0.14(14%),考虑为急性腹膜炎。下列哪一种诊断可能性最大()
A. 溃疡病穿孔 B. 慢性阑尾炎穿孔 C. 逍遥型伤寒并发肠穿孔 D. 自发性腹膜炎 E. 溃疡性结肠炎穿孔 [单项选择]某女,月经先后不定期,经量或多或少,腰疫耳鸣,经前乳房胀痛,苔薄白,脉细弦,方选
A. 固阴煎 B. 定经汤 C. 逍遥散 D. 安冲汤 E. 调经汤 [单项选择]油库设备动密封的是()。
A. 垫片密封 B. 螺纹密封 C. 胶密封 D. 机械密封 [判断题]无私奉献不可能引导人的全部行为。
[单选题]治疗胆绞痛宜选用:( )
A.阿托品+哌替啶 B.吗啡+氯丙嗪 C.阿托品+氯丙嗪 D.阿托品+阿司匹林 E.哌替啶+氯丙嗪 [单项选择]可用于周围神经损伤的电生理学检查是
A. 脑干诱发电位 B. 视觉诱发电位 C. 体感诱发电位 D. 脑电图 E. 脑运动诱发电位 [单项选择]内燃机按转速分类,转速n>()r/min是高速内燃机。
A. 750 B. 800 C. 900 D. 1000 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Some Unusual Celebrations
Some holidays are well-known all around the world.Among them are New Year's Eve celebrations.Also common are days in honor of love and friendship,like Valentine's Day.Each country has its own special holidays,too,often to mark important events in its history. Schools,banks,and government offices all close on days like these.______(1)A few of them are really very strange. Of course,they are not strange to the people who celebrate them.Perhaps that is because the celebrations have long traditions.Consider April Fool's Day,for example.No one knows when or why it began.Today it is celebrated in many countries一France,England,and Australia,among others.On this day,people play practical jokes.______(2)The ones who laugh are the ones playing the jokes.The people they fool often get angry.Does celebrating this day make sense to you? Dyngus Day in Poland seems strange,too.On this day,it is traditional for boys to pour water over the heads of girls.Here is the strangest part:They do it to girls they like. Other unusual celebrations take place in a single city or town.A holiday called La Tomatina is celebrated in Buriol,Spain.Every year,in late August,big trucks carry more than 200, 000 pounds of tomatoes into this little town.______(3)For two hours,people in the streets throw tomatoes at each other.Everyone ends up red from head to toe. August 10 marks the start of the Puck Fair,an Irish festival with a very unusual tradition.People from the town of Killorglin go up into the mountains and catch a wild goat. ______(4) There are also some celebrations that are really strange.In the United States,sometimes one person gets an idea for a new holiday and tries to get others to accept it.Whose idea was Public Sleeping Day? That one is on February 28.It may seem strange,but it sounds like more fun than the one on February 9.______(5) Do you like the idea of inventing a new holiday?If you do,then you will want to mark March 26 on your calendar.That is Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. ______(4) A.They bring him back to town,put a crown on his head,and make him king for three days. B.Some of the days people celebrate,however,are less serious. C.That is supposed to be Toothache Day. D.Then begins the world's biggest food fight. E.Some people have fun imagining new holidays. F.Jokes are supposed to be funny,but these jokes do not make everyone laugh. [多选题]专责监护人应是( )的人员。
A.具有相关工作经验 B.熟悉人员工作能力 C.熟悉设备情况 D.熟悉本规程 E.略 [单项选择]你的技术团队的领导已准备就你的项目进行价值增加变更申请,这将导致项目范围的放大。为估计实施变更带来的偏差程度,你要求使用挣值法。这种方法代表()。
A. 绩效测量技术 B. 结构管理过程 C. 成本会计过程 D. 范围报告机制 [判断题]兆欧表是测量电气设备绝缘电阻的一种仪表。它发出的电压越高,测量绝缘电阻的范围越大。()
[多项选择]建设工程组织非节奏流水施工时的特点包括( )。
A. 各专业工作队不能在施工段上连续作业 B. 各施工过程在各施工段的流水节拍不全相等 C. 相邻专业工作队的流水步距不尽相等 D. 有些施工段之间可能有空闲时间 E. 专业工作队数小于施工过程数 [多选题]全球15种鹤类,我国拥有9种,在中国享有鹤乡美誉的是?( )
A.本溪 B.林甸 C.齐齐哈尔 D.白城 [单选题]患者女,30岁。拔牙后3天开口逐渐受限,下颌下淋巴结肿大。除下颌支后缘稍丰满压痛外,其余无阳性体征。最可能的诊断是
A.翼下颌间隙感染 B.下颌下间隙感染 C.颞间隙感染 D.咬肌间隙感染 E.干槽症 [多选题]下面哪些可燃物发生火灾时最好采用喷射大量水的方法进行灭火( )。
A.建筑物 B.家具 C.纸张 D.木材 [判断题]张某犯罪后本无投案意图,在其姐姐劝说、教育下同意投案。尽管张某能如实供述自己的罪行,并接受司法机关的审判,但不能认定为自首。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] Study Activities in University
In order to help college and university students in the process of learning, four key study activities have been designed and used to encourage them to make knowledge their own.
1. Essay writing: central focus of university work esp. in the humanities, e.g 【1】
benefits:l) Helping to select interesting content in books and to express understanding. 2) Enabling teachers to know progress and to offer【2】. 3) miliarizing students with exam forms.
2. Seminars and classroom discussion: another form to internalize knowledge in specialized contexts.
benefits: l)【3】enables you to know the effectivess of and others’’ response to your speechimmediately. 2) Within the same period of time, more topics can be dealt with thanin 【4】. 3) The use of a broader range of knowledge is encouraged.
3. Individual tutorials:a substitute for group discussion.
format: from teacher【5】to flexible conversation, benefit: encouraging ideas and inter
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [填空题] 不合格的物料|中间产品|待包装产品和成品的处理应当经()批准,并有记录。
A.转移利率波动的风险 B.降低生产成本 C.交易双方可以降低各自的融资成本 D.规避市场价格下跌 E.有助于风险管理 我来回答: 提交