When I was still an architecture
student, a teacher told me, "We learn more from buildings that fall down than
from buildings that stand up.’ What he meant was that construction is as much
the result of experience as of theory. Although structural design follows
established formulas, the actual performance of a building is complicated by the
passage of time, the behavior of users, the natural elements—and unnatural
events. All are difficult to simulate. Buildings, unlike cars, can’t be
crash-tested. The first important lesson of the World Trade Center collapse is that tall buildings can withstand the impact of a large jetliner. The twin towers were supported by 59 perimeter columns on each side. Although about 30 of these columns, extending from four to six floors, were destroyed in each building by the impact, initially both t A. Although the structure of the two buildings was very strong, the death toll was still very shocking. B. The structure of the two buildings was of the first class. C. The structure of the two buildings was not so strong as people had expected. D. The structure of the two buildings was strong enough to withstand any accidents. [判断题]( )《特种设备安全法》规定,负责特种设备安全监督管理的部门应当加强特种设备质量宣传教育,普及特种设备质量知识,增强社会公众的特种设备质量意识。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]临时用房的疏散楼梯净宽度应小于疏散走道的净宽度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列陈述中哪条是正确的()
A. 吞服毒物中毒者,无论中毒轻重,也无论何种毒物,均应积极洗胃 B. 吞服毒物中毒而昏迷者,不可洗胃 C. 洗胃结束后,应予以导泄 D. 洗胃时,每次注入的灌洗液愈多,效果愈好 E. 上陈述都不正确 [单项选择]以下哪项不属于,在处理劳动规章制度与劳动合同、集体合同发生法律效力冲突问题时所采取的“就高不就低”的原则。()
A. 当用人单位劳动规章制度规定的劳动者利益低于劳动合同的约定时,应以劳动合同的约定为准 B. 当用人单位劳动规章制度规定的劳动者利益低于集体合同的约定时,应以集体合同的约定为准 C. 当用人单位劳动规章制度规定的劳动者利益高于劳动合同和集体合同的约定时,应以其劳动规章制度规定为准 D. 当用人单位劳动规章制度规定的劳动者利益高于劳动合同和集体合同的约定时,应以劳动合同和集体合同的约定为准 [填空题]AFC检修负责车站运营辅助设备的周期性维护和 。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]信息系统的( )等应定期备份,备份的数据宜定期进行验证。
A.配置数据 B.业务数据 C.日志文件 D.运行参数 [判断题]根据《建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范》规定,使用单梯时,梯面应与水平面成75°夹角。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交