{{B}} Questions 62 to 66 are based on the
following passage.{{/B}} Darwin’s great work, The Origin of Species, is now generally accepted as one of the most important books ever written. But when it first came out in 1859, it was both derided and bitterly condemned by scientists and laymen. Much of opposition to The Origin of Species arose from Darwin’s claim that all living creatures, including man, are somehow related. Many people were outraged by the suggestion that man shared a common ancestor with animals such as apes and monkeys. They attacked Darwin for saying that man had descended from the apes. But Darwin never actually said this. He believed that modern men and modern apes have both descended from the same ancestor. But at some time in pre-history, millions of years ago, men and apes began to develop A. Four. B. Six. C. Five. D. Three. [单项选择]锂离子电池用的电解液是()
A. K0H B. H2SO4 C. NH4Cl D. 有机溶液 [多选题]生产、储存危险化学品的单位未对其铺设的危险化学品管道设置明显的标志,或者未对危险化学品管道定期( )的。
A.检查 B.检验 C.鉴定 D.检测. [判断题]制动装置是影响汽车安全性的一个主要因素。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]A.大敦
A.太冲 B.隐白 C.期门 D.中脘 E.以上腧穴中,常用于治疗疝气、阴中痛的是 [填空题]学校的基层教学研究组织是_____。
[单选题] 杂散电流的防护原则( )。
A.以防为主 ,以排为辅 B.以排为主 ,以防为辅 C.以堵为主,以排为主 D.以堵为主,以防为主 [单项选择]下列哪种是NK细胞特有的表面抗原()
A. CD2 B. CD16 C. CD56 D. CD69 E. 以上均不是其特有的表面抗原 [单项选择]联共(布)十五大通过的经济方针是( )。
A. 着手实施“一五”计划 B. 开展社会主义工业化 C. 开展农业集体化 D. 实施新经济政策 [单选题]转向架与( )之间可自由回转,可使较长车辆自由通过小半径曲线。
A.受电弓 B.车体 C.车钩 D.轮对 [填空题]电工作业必须使用( )。作业前必须检查确认工具、检测仪表、防护用具完好。答:
[多项选择]假设检察院对张某作了不起诉决定,被害人李某如果不服,她( )。
A. 可以申诉 B. 不可能申诉 C. 不可能起诉 D. 可以起诉 [单项选择]观念创新的特点不包括()
A. 客观深刻性 B. 继承稳定性 C. 静态发展性 D. 超越突破性 [判断题]安全生产责任制就是解决在安全上事事有人负责,谁分管谁负责,谁作业谁负责,落实责任主体,明确某事由谁负责,负什么责的问题。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交