The simple act of surrendering a telephone number to a store clerk may seem innocuous—so much so that many consumers do it with no questions asked. Yet that one action can set in motion a cascade of silent events, as that data point is acquired, analyzed, categorized, stored and sold over and over again. Future attacks on your privacy may come from anywhere, from anyone with money to purchase that phone number you surrendered. If you doubt the multiplier effect, consider your e-mail inbox. If it’s loaded with spam, it’s undoubtedly because at some point in time you unknowingly surrendered your e-mail to the wrong Web site.
Do you think your telephone number or address are handled differently A cottage industry of small companies with names you’ve probably never heard of—like Acxiom or Merlin—buy and sell your personal information the way other commodities like corn or cattle futures are bartered. You may think your cell phone is unliste
A. Never leave your telephone number anywhere
B. Raise your awareness of self-protection
C. Use your ceil phone and email wisely
D. Don’t respond too readily to telephone messages
As long as her parents can remember,
13-year-old Katie Hart has been talking about going to college. Her mother,
Tally, a financial-aid officer at a California University, knows all too well
the daunting thing of paying for a college education. Last year the average
yearly tuition at a private, four-year school climbed 5.5 percent to more than
$17,000. The Harts have started saving, and figure they can afford a public
university without a problem. But what if Katie applies to Princeton (she’s
threatening), where one year’s tuition, room and board—almost $34, 000 in
2007—will cost more than some luxury cars Even a number cruncher like Tally
admits it’s a little A. The Harts prefer a public university to a private one. B. It is much easier to pay the tuition at present. C. All students can get the aid package. D. Traditional scholarships are still attractive to some families. [判断题]制水设备RO反渗透最佳产水温度为35。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]灭火时,灭火人员应站在( )
A.火源的上风侧 B.火源的下风侧 C.对灭火有利的位置 [多项选择]慢性肺源性心脏病时,肺的病理变化可以有
A. 无肌型细动脉肌化 B. 肌型小动脉外膜增生、肥厚 C. 内膜下出现纵行平滑肌束 D. 肺小动脉弹力纤维及胶原纤维增生 [判断题]业务外包用工由业务承包单位负责施工安全培训,设备管理单位可提供师资支持,并对培训情况进行监管。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]主变零起升流的目的是:检验新主变相关的()回路接线的正确性;相关保护的校验。
A. 综自 B. 一次 C. 二次 D. 通信 [填空题]问题解决策略主要包括()和启发式策略。
A.线网监控级 B.线网指挥级 C.现场执行级 D.线路控制级 E.线路执行级 [判断题]民警出庭作证不利于排除非法证据,完善证据制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]A——collective action B——competitor analysis
C——corporate restructuring D——gain sharing
E——employee involvement F——hostile takeover
G——human resource management H——joint venture
I——psychological support J——performance-related pay
K——pay secrecy L——cross training
M——holding company N——corporate culture
O——board of directors P——background checking
Example:( N )企业文化 ( H )合资企业
51. ( )跨部门培训 ( )集体行动
52. ( )员工参与 ( )董事会
53. ( )业绩工资 ( )对手分析
54. ( )控股公司 ( )赢利分享
55. ( )人力资源管理 ( )公司重组
[单选题]CR400AF型动车组( )给乘客提供AC220V/50Hz的电压,方便乘客用电设备的使用。
A.蓄电池 B.单相逆变电源 C.充电机 D.辅助逆变器 [单选题]作业完成后应( )安全卡瓦,严禁随钻具上行。
A.及时拆下 B.及时清理 C.及时维修 D.及时更换 [多选题]下列电梯在发生火灾后不能使用:观光电梯、( )。
A.货梯 B.消防电梯 C.自动扶梯 D.普通电梯 [单项选择]垂直管流中气液混合物的四种流态,在井底出现的是()
A. 气泡流 B. 断柱流 C. 环雾流 D. 雾流 [判断题]实行施工总承包的,建筑工程主体结构的施工可有分包完成。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列车乘务人员发现非快运公司作业人员搬运高铁快运集装件进出列车时应予以制止。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]儿童剧()中,数字世界以一种魔幻的方式表现出来,从而将不可能的虚幻变成了一种似曾相识的直观的现实,但它仍是虚幻的,引人遐想。
A. 《雷雨》 B. 《魔山》 C. 《仲夏夜之梦》 D. 《玩偶之家》 [单选题] 在MGB1420万能磨床晶闸管直流调速系统控制回路中,由控制变压器TC1的二次绕组②经整流二极管( ).V12.三极管Ⅴ36等组成同步信号输入环节。
A. V6 B. V21 C. V24 D. V29 [单选题](2018年真题)资金盈余单位和赤字单位之间以有价证券为媒介实现资金融通的金融活动被称为( )。
A.股票融资 B.债券融资 C.证券融资 D.金融机构融资 [单选题] 绝缘斗臂车操作人员应服从工作负责人的指挥,作业时应注意周围环境及( )。 (1.0分)
A. 操作频率 B. 操作速度 C. 操作方法 D. 操作强度 [判断题]党的十八大以来党中央坚持反腐败无禁区、全覆盖、
零容忍坚定不移“打鼠”、“拍蝇”、“猎狐”一体推进不 敢腐、不能腐、不想腐。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]我国职业病防治工作坚持的方针是预防为主、防消结合 。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]出示有效执法监督证件,是安全生产监督检查人员行使监督检查职责时不可缺少的程序,也是证明其监督检查主体资格的()的方式。
A. 唯一合法、有效 B. 主要 C. 必要 D. 合法 [单项选择]下列哪项不含脂肪抑制技术
A. 频率饱和法 B. 短时反转恢复序列 C. 化学位移饱和成像 D. STIR序列 E. FLAIR序列 [填空题]用户说没有收到权益,应该去权益平台()查询。
A.行车调度员 B.驻所联络员 C.供电调度员 D.车站值班员 我来回答: 提交