Throughout history there have been many
unusual taxes levied on such things as hats, beds, baths, marriages, and
funerals. At one time England levied a tax on sunlight by collection from every
household with six or more windows. And according to legend, there was a Turkish
ruler who collected a tax each time he dined with one of his subjects. Why To
pay for the wear and tear on his teeth! Different kinds of taxes help to spread the tax burden. Anyone who pays a tax is said to "bear the burden" of the tax. The burden of a tax may fall more heavily on some persons than on others. That is why the three levels of government in this country use several kinds of taxes, lifts spreads the burden of taxes among more people. From the standpoint of their use, the most important taxes are income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and e A. Any form of property is subject to an estate tax when transferred. B. Property tax provides a part of income for local government. C. There are a few kinds of sales taxes. D. Individuals and corporations both pay income taxes. [判断题]道岔表示器夜间显示白色灯光——表示道岔位置开通侧向。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]车辆驾驶员驾车时间超过( )或长途行驶超过300公里应自觉停车休息。
A.2小时 B.4小时 C.6小时 D.8小时 [单选题]在前期签订服务协议后可上报城市更新启融贷,银行配资( )用于支付前期服务费。
A.50% B.60% C.70% D.80% [多选题]测量配电变压器绝缘吸收比是绝缘电表在额定转速下的(____)时绝缘电阻读数的比值
A.10s B.20s C.30s D.60s [单项选择]女,葡萄胎二次清宫术后6个月,阴道断续流血,妇科检查:阴道口5点处见2cm紫蓝色隆起物,宫颈光滑,子宫稍大,软,双附件正常。胸片未见异常,尿妊娠试验(+),挖除阴道病灶病理组织学切片见到成堆高度增生滋养细胞及血块,无绒毛阴影,最可能的诊断是
A. 子宫复旧不良 B. 流产 C. 吸宫不全 D. 绒毛膜癌 E. 侵蚀性葡萄胎 [单选题]遮栏高度不低于( )m,底部离地不应超过0.1m。
A.1.3 B.1.5 C.1.7 [不定项选择题]不锈钢管宜采用的切割方法有( )。
A.机械方法 B.气割 C.等离子切割 D.氢氧源切割 [多选题]作业现场的照明、()、()、安防及消防系统应符合有关标准、规范的要求。
A.温度 B.湿度 C.工具 D.人员 [单项选择]取消固定循环的指令是()。
A. G40 B. G80 C. G50 D. G49 [多选题]行政处罚与行政处分的区别( )。
A.权力归属不同 B.针对的对象不同 C.所依程序不同 D.制裁的依据不同 E.制裁的方法与手段不同 [单项选择]《土地登记规则(修正)》规定,土地他项权利,是指( )以外的土地权利。
A. 土地使用权和土地所有权 B. 土地使用权和土地抵押权 C. 土地抵押权和土地所有权 D. 土地承租权和土地抵押权 我来回答: 提交