The orderly came back in a few minutes with a rifle
and five cartridges, and meanwhile some Burmans had arrived and told us that the
elephant was in the paddy fields below, only a few hundred yards away. As I
started forward practically the whole population of the quarter flocked out of
the houses and followed me. They had seen the rifle and were all shouting
excitedly that I was going to shoot the elephant. They had not shown much
interest in the elephant when he was merely ravaging their homes, but it was
different now that he was going to be shot. It was a bit of fun to them, as it
would be to an English crowd; besides they wanted the meat. It made me vaguely
uneasy. I had no intention of shooting the elephant--I had merely sent for the
rifle to defend myself if necessary--and it is always unnerving to have a A. He armed himself with a rifle in case the elephant was more dangerous than he expected. B. The fact that the crowd followed him made him less sure what to do. C. As soon as he saw the elephant he realized it was dangerous. D. At a later point in time he decided to watch the elephant for a short time and then go away. [单选题]运输民用爆炸物品,应当遵守《民用爆炸物品安全管理条例》的相关规定,以下说法正确的是( )。
A.运送民用爆炸物品,需向运达地县级人民政府公安机关提出申请,核发《民用爆炸物品运输许可证》方可运输,运输过程中无需携带《民用爆炸物品运输许可证》。 B.运输车辆安全技术状况应当符合国家有关安全技术标准的要求,并按照规定悬挂或者安装符合国家标准的易燃易爆危险物品警示标志; C.运输民用爆炸物品,出现危险情况立即采取必要的应急处置措施,并报告当地交通部门,无需报告公安部门。 D.民用爆炸物品的装载符合国家有关标准和规范,通过申请许可车厢内可适当载人。 [单项选择]人感染血吸虫后,关于是否获得免疫力问题正确的是()
A. 可获得完全免疫力 B. 可获得部分免疫力 C. 对再感染无免疫力 D. 再感染可获得完全免疫力 E. 这种免疫力对体内成虫有杀伤力 [单选题]219.为了供给稳定的电压、控制电力潮流或调节负载电流,均需A变压器进行( )调整。
A.A.电压 B.B.电流 C.C.有功 D.D.无功 [单项选择]同一借记卡在同一天内如果出现连续()次卡CVV码校验错误,系统将锁定该卡。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单项选择]从事生产、经营的纳税人外出经营,在同一地( )的,应当在营业地办理税务登记手续。
A. 连续超过180天 B. 累计超过180天 C. 连续超过90天 D. 累计超过90天 [单选题]松散的表面污染对人有( )的风险。
A. 外照射 B.内照射 C. A+B [单项选择]在某次旅游安全事故中,造成旅游者3人轻伤,经济损失3万余元,该事故属于()。
A. 轻微事故 B. 一般事故 C. 重大事故 D. 特大事故 [单项选择]巴比妥类急性中毒患者死亡的主要原因是
A. 惊厥 B. 肾衰竭 C. 心脏骤停 D. 血压下降 E. 呼吸深度抑制 [单项选择]下面程序输出的结果是
#include<iostream.h> voidmain( ) inti; inta[3][3]:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; for(i=0;i<3;i++) cout<<a[2-i][i]<<""; A. 159 B. 753 C. 357 D. 591 [多选题]《关于进一步规范和加强客运站车车票查验工作的通知》规定:旅客须持购票时所使用的有效身份证件(),“行程信息提示”、 报销凭证、 购票短信和购票截图均不能作为进出站和乘车凭证使用。
A.安检 B.进站 C.乘车 D.出站 [名词解释]主动悬架
[单选题]下列哪种不是联锁设备可以采用的实现方法。( )
A.机械的 B.机电的 C.电气的 D.电信的 [多项选择]治疗新生儿高胆红素血症是()。
A. 蓝紫光疗法 B. 荧光灯白光疗法 C. 激光疗法 D. 红外光疗法 E. 换血疗法 [判断题]退行信号一短一长声是列车、机车车辆、单机开始退行时发出的信号。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Human beings have eaten apples for millions of years. Scientists agree that 85 percent of apples is water and they can grow in almost everywhere except the hottest and the coldest places. As is known to all, China and the United States are the two major countries in producing apples. [单选题]现有熔断器、自动开关、接触器、热继电器、控制继电器等几种低压电器,它们各属于( )。
A.熔断器、自动开关、热继电器属于低压保护电器;接触器、控制继电器、自动开关属于低压控制电器。 B.熔断器、自动开关、控制继电器属于低压保护电器;接触器、热继电器属于低压控制电器。 C.熔断器、控制继电器属于低压保护电器;接触器、自动开关、热继电器属于低压控制电器。 D.熔断器、自动开关属于低压保护电器;接触器、热继电器、控制继电器属于低压控制电器。 [单项选择]女性,29岁,发热、关节痛1个月,头晕、头痛3天,血压160/130mmHg,左上肢未触及动脉搏动,血Cr196gmol/L,尿常规蛋白(+),最可能的诊断为()
A. 慢性肾小球。肾炎 B. 原发性高血压 C. 多发性大动脉炎 D. 动脉粥样硬化 E. 急进性肾小球肾炎 [多选题]作业人员具备必要的安全生产知识,学会(),特别要学会()。
A.紧急救护法 B.海姆利克急救法 C.触电急救 D.创伤急救 [判断题]吊钩、卷筒、滑轮磨损应在规范允许范围内( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]符合过敏性紫癜的实验检查是()。
A. 凝血时间延长 B. 出血时间延长 C. 毛细血管脆性试验可阳性 D. 血块收缩不良 E. 血小板减少 [多项选择]下列属于净现值指标缺点的有()。
A. 不能直接反映投资项目的实际收益率水平 B. 当各项目投资额不等时,仅用净现值无法确定独立投资方案的优劣 C. 净现金流量的确定和折现率的确定有一定难度 D. 没有考虑投资的风险性 [多项选择]标准不确定度的定义为:以标准(偏)差表示的测量不确定度。有()不确定度评定。
A. A类 B. B类 C. C类 D. D类 [单选题]LFB21028 风力发电机组液压系统中常用bar来表示压力值,1bar约等于( )。
A.105pa; B.1kg/cm2; C.1kg/mm2; D.10atm。 [多选题]下列有关科目汇总表账务处理程序的表述中,正确的有( )。
A.登记总账的工作量大 B.不能体现账户之间的对应关系 C.可以做到试算平衡 D.当转账凭证较多时,汇总转账凭证的编制工作量较大 [单选题]氢氯噻嗪的不良反应不包括( )
A.高血钾 B. 高血脂 C. 高血糖 D. 高尿酸血症 [单项选择]关于颅内动脉瘤,下述哪项是正确的
A. 创伤是动脉瘤破裂的原因 B. 动脉瘤的破裂均有一定的诱因 C. 动脉瘤破裂出血后,应嘱病人绝对卧床 D. 颅内动脉瘤均位于Willis动脉环附近 E. 脑血管造影正常,可除外颅内动脉瘤 [判断题]采用xPON技术采用WDM技术,收发同一根纤芯,可以节约纤芯资源。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]老年性痴呆症状和体征中,"爱藏废物,视作珍宝;不注意个人卫生习惯"属于()
A. 定向障碍 B. 联想困难 C. 行为改变 D. 情感障碍 E. 无法理解他人言谈 [多选题]除使用特殊仪器外,所有使用携带型仪器的测量工作,均应在( )进行。
A.电流互感器的二次侧 B.电流互感器的一次侧 C.电压互感器的二次侧 D.电压互感器的一次侧 [单选题]CRH2A型动车组一般模式可分为司机模式、列车员模式和___。
A.一般模式 B.记录模式 C.检修模式 D.行车模式 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Transport and Trade
1.Transport is one of the aids to trade.By moving goods from places where they are plentiful to places where they are scarce,transport adds to their value.The more easily goods can be brought over the distance that separates producer and consumer,the better for trade.When there were no railways,no good roads,no canals,and only small sailing ships,trade was on a small scale. 2.The great advances made in transport during the last two hundred years were accompanied by a big increase in trade.Bigger and faster ships enabled a trade in meat to develop between Britain and New Zealand, for instance.Quicker transport makes possible mass-production and big business, drawing supplies from,and selling goods to,all parts of the globe.Big factories could not exist without transport to carry the large number of workers they need to and from their homes.Big city stores could not have developed unless customers could travel easily from the suburbs and goods delivered to their homes.Big cities could not survive unless food could be brought from a distance. 3.Transport also prevents waste.Much of the fish landed at the ports would be wasted if it could not be taken quickly to inland towns.Transport has given us a much greater variety of foods and goods since we no longer have to live on what is produced locally. Foods which at one time could be obtained only during a part of the year can now be obtained all through the year. Transport has raised the standard of living. 4.By moving fuel,raw materials and even power,for example,electric cables,transport has led to the establishment of industries and trade in areas where they would have been impossible before.Districts and countries can concentrate on making things which they can do better and more cheaply than others and can then exchange them with one another. The cheaper and quicker transport becomes,the longer the distance over which goods can profitably be carried. Countries with poor transport have a lower standard of living. 5.Commerce requires not only the moving of goods and people but also the carrying of messages and information.Means of communication,like telephones,cables and radio,send information about prices,supplies and changing conditions in different parts of the world.In this way,advanced communication systems also help to develop trade. Paragraph 4______ A.Higher living standard. B.Importance of transport in trade. C.Various means of transport. D.Birth of transport-related industries and trade. E.Role of information in trade. F.Public transportation. [单选题] 关于货币犯罪,下列选项正确的是( )。
A.以货币碎片为材料,加入其他纸张,制作成假币的,属于变造货币 B.将金属货币熔化后,制作成较薄的、更多的金属货币的,属于变造货币 C.将假币赠与他人的,属于使用假币 D.运输假币并使用假币的,按运输假币罪从重处罚 我来回答: 提交