Culture shock might be called an occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. Like most ailments, it has its own (1) and cure.
Culture shock is (2) by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. Those signs or cues include the thousand and one (3) in which we orient ourselves to the (4) of daily life: when to shake hands and what to say when we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to (5) purchases, when to accept and when to refuse invitations, when to take statement seriously and when not. These cues, (6) may be words, gestures, facial (7) customs, or norms, are (8) by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much a (9) of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept. All of us (10) for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues, (11) of which we do not carry on th
A. depend
B. account
C. look
D. consider
SANDWICH SUCCESS Britain’s sandwich business is expanding fast. Half the population buy sandwiches at least twice{{U}} (29) {{/U}}week, and they are spending more{{U}} (30) {{/U}}them. {{U}} (31) {{/U}} sandwiches are made at home, while{{U}} (32) {{/U}}from shops are selling in growing numbers. One reason is that packaging keeps sandwiches fresh for up to 48 hours, making{{U}} (33) {{/U}} possible to mass-produce them centrally and distribute them widely.{{U}} (34) {{/U}} reason is that petrol stations, wanting to expand the range of{{U}} (35) {{/U}}they se [多项选择]证券投资人主要由()构成。
A. 政府机构 B. 金融机构 C. 企业和事业法人及各类基金 D. 个人投资者 [单项选择]德彪西和拉威尔的音乐属于()。
A. 印象派 B. 民族乐派 C. 浪漫乐派 D. 古典乐派 [单选题]风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄最常见的心律失常是
A.Ⅰ度房室传导阻滞 B.室性期前收缩 C.房性期前收缩 D.心房颤动 E.心室颤动 [判断题]焊接产生拉应力和压应力,当这些应力超过金属的强度极限时,将产生焊接变形;当超过金属的屈服极限时,则会出现裂缝。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]蜜蜂的“箭”不仅使人又痒又疼,还会招来其他的蜜蜂群起而攻之。原因:它射出的刺和毒腺,不仅能释放一种( )致人痒疼,还能引来其它蜜蜂继续实施攻击。
A.醋酸异戊烷 B.乙酰乙酸 C.多元羧酸 D.甲酸 [单选题]在稳态运行过程中风电场电压随风电场出力增加呈现( )
A.增加 B.减低 C.先增后降 D.先降后增 [判断题]我国海关规定,ATA单证册下的货物暂时进出境期限为6个月;超过6个月的,需经海关总署批准。( )
[判断题]化学分析方法根据试样用量不同可分为常量分析法、半微量分析法及微量分析法。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]微型计算机
A. 发放贷款取得的利息收入 B. 处置固定资产取得的收入 C. 从中介服务中获得的手续费 D. 吸收存款取得的现金 E. 发行债券取得的现金 [判断题]《动车组列车服务质量规范》规定,销售人员不在车内高声叫卖、危险演示,销售过程中主动避让旅客。夜间运行时,卧车可根据情况适当延长或提前销售时间,但不得超过1小时。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]脚手架上若需照明,应使用12V低压电
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]激素通过血液运输作用于远距离的靶细胞,称为
A. 外分泌 B. 远距分泌 C. 旁分泌 D. 神经分泌 E. 自分泌 [单项选择](2)
Vacation travel, a pleasant travel, is one of the faster-growing segments of the tourism industry. These travelers seek enjoyment and pleasure for their travel.
Vacation travel is typically price-sensitive and often concerned with the particular time of day or day of week schedules. Vacation travel has been heavily promoted by the airlines for Saturday and Sunday travel when their transport capacity is not heavily used by business travelers. Further, the vacation travel market is where the airlines often offer lower fares. These tickets often have many restrictions designed to prevent regular business travelers from switching to the lower fares. For example, the super-saver fare requires the passenger to stay at the destination over a Saturday night. Such fares are not good during certain heavy holiday periods or Monday to Friday flights, or they constitute only a small number of seats on flights that normally would not be filled by full-fare business passengers.
A. specialized purpose travel B. photographic expeditions C. traveling for shopping purpose D. nature loving experience [单选题]"商用集中告警系统监测的对象不包括( )。
A.POI B.商用交流切换配电柜 C.机房环境 D.信号强度" [单项选择]患者男,20岁,因急性阑尾炎穿孔伴局限性腹膜炎,行阑尾切除术后5天,仍有腹痛,腹胀,体温38℃以上,大便3~5次/天,量少且有下坠感。血WBC18×109/L,应首先考虑为()。
A. 切口感染 B. 并发肠炎和菌痢 C. 并发膈下脓肿 D. 盆腔脓肿 E. 化脓性门静脉炎 [单选题]表头的()愈高,测电压时的内阻越大,其性能就越好。
A.电压 B.电流 C.电阻 D.灵敏度 [单选题]依据《工伤保险条例》的规定,职工因工致残影响生活自理能力的,应当进行生活自理障碍等级鉴定,生活自理障碍分为()个等级。 ( )
A.10 B.8 C.5 D.3 [判断题]高层建筑中的一类公共建筑可不设消防电梯.
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]运输包装,是指为了尽可能降低运输流通过程对产品造成损坏,保障产品的安全,方便储运装卸,加速交接点验的以运输储运为主要目的的包装。
根据上述定义,下列属于运输包装的是( )。 A. 小明让售货员将自己所挑选的生日礼物进行精美包装后,才将礼物寄出 B. 某公司为避免花瓶在运输过程中损坏,特为花瓶加上了防震外包装 C. 某生产商由于担心水果在运输过程中腐烂,将其中一些水果空运到目的地 D. 某公司购买了一台机器,为方便运输,将这台机器尽可能拆卸后运回 [简答题]长期停用和检修后的变压器,在投入运行前除按正常巡视项目检查外,还要检查:
A. 以HCO3-的形式吸收 B. 以CO2的形式吸收 C. 主要在远曲小管进行 D. 滞后于Cl-吸收 E. 不依赖于H+的分泌 [单选题]构建中国特色哲学社会科学,首要的是( )。
A.借鉴国外优秀哲学社会科学研究成果 B.旗帜鲜明坚持以马克思主义为指导,深化马克思主义理论研究和建设 C.构建全方位、全领域、全要素的哲学社会科学体系 D.建设中国特色新型智库 [多选题]银行业金融机构应当明确规定吸收公款存款的(),加强相关费用支出的财务管理。
A.具体范围 B.具体形式 C.费用标准 D.流程管理 [单项选择]临床研究时间超过( ),申请人应当自批准之日起每年向国家食品药品监督管理局和省级药监局提交临床研究进展报告。
A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 3年 D. 4年 E. 5年 [填空题]
Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. A. We’ll show you our photos when we are back. B. We are going with
our teachers. C. We are going to Paris. D. When are you leaving E. How long are you going to stay there F. Have you been there before G. I want to go to London. H. See you later. A: Hi, Xiao Wang. Where are you going on vacation B: (56) A: Paris That sounds great! (57) B: We are leaving next Tuesday. A: Who are you going with B: (58) A: (59) B: For about two weeks. (60) A: Great! Wish you a pleasant journey! B: Thanks a lot. 我来回答: 提交