Some pioneering work that began as an attempt to discover ways to increase production efficiency led to the founding of the human relations movement in industry and to the development of motivational skills and tools for managers. In 1927 researchers were involved in determining the optimum amount of lighting, temperature, and humidity (with lighting being considered the most important) for the assembly of electronic components at Western Electric. The researchers found that lighting had no consistent effect on production. In fact, production sometimes increased when lighting was reduced to the level of ordinary moonlight! The important part of this experiment began when two Harvard researchers, Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger, were brought in to investigate these unexpected results further. They found that workers were responding not to the level of ligh A. the experiment B. economic motivation C. the Western Electric Hawthorn plant D. the Hawthorne effect [多项选择]创伤病人出现ARDS的主要发病因素有()
A. 胸部直接损伤 B. 休克 C. 大量输血 D. 败血症 E. 误吸 [名词解释]描述
A. 先天性髋关节发育不良 B. 臀肌挛缩症 C. 石骨症 D. 髋关节脱位 E. 大骨节病 [多项选择]下列选项属于投标人资格预审必要合格条件的有( )。
A. 注册资金 B. 法人地位 C. 资质等级 D. 财务状况 E. 分包计划 [填空题]浇铸时,链带和操作台上的电压表不得超过()。
[单选题]国家安全思想,是党和国家领导集体及人民群众关于国家安全问题的( )。
A. 经验总结 B. 辩证认识 C. 重大问题的科学认识 D. 系统化的理性认识 [单项选择]He was so fascinated about the movie because the heroin's matchless beauty is ______description.
[多选题]电工仪表根据其工作原理可分为( )。
A.磁电式 B.电磁式 C.电动式 D.感应式 [单项选择]以下哪个肿瘤对放射线最敏感()
A. 浆细胞肉瘤 B. 鳞状细胞癌 C. 纤维肉瘤 D. 腺瘤 E. 恶性黑色素瘤 [判断题]当自然人客户由他人代理现金取款单笔人民币2万元(含)至5万元、外币等值2000美元(含)至1万美元时,农村商业银行应核对代理人的有效身份证件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]企业的库存成本包括订货成本和()
A. 存储成本 B. 运输成本 C. 财务成本 D. 人工成本 [判断题]耦合电容器有异常放电时,可短时运行,不必立即停用。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交