Sally Kristen Ride was born on May 26,
1951 in Los Angeles, California. At the {{U}} (36) {{/U}} of ten, Dr.
Ride began to play tennis and became an excellent tennis player. She
{{U}} (37) {{/U}} a tennis scholarship to Westlake School for
{{U}} (38) {{/U}} in Los Angeles. After her {{U}} (39) {{/U}}, she
enrolled in Swarthmore College and {{U}} (40) {{/U}} out to become a
{{U}} (41) {{/U}} tennis player. She worked hard {{U}} (42) {{/U}}
her tennis game, but after a few months decided she would {{U}} (43)
{{/U}} tennis. She enrolled at Stanford University. Dr. Ride had always been
{{U}} (44) {{/U}} in Math and Science and eventually {{U}} (45)
{{/U}} her doctorate degree in Physics. Dr. Ride saw an {{U}} (46)
{{/U}} in the Stanford University paper about NASA {{U}} (47) {{/U A. for B. to C. in D. with [单项选择]绝对零度是
A. 0℃ B. -273℃ C. -173℃ D. -246℃ E. -146℃ [多选题] 违反《建设工程安全生产管理条例》的规定,勘察单位、设计单位有下列行为之一的,责令限期改正,处10万元以上30万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿,降低资质等级,直至吊销资质证书;造成重大安全事故,构成犯罪的,对直接责任人员,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任:( )
A. 超越本单位资质等级承揽工程的 B. 允许其他单位或者个人以本单位名义承揽工程的 C. 未按照法律、法规和工程建设强制性标准进行勘察、设计的 D. 采用新结构、新材料、新工艺的建设工程和特殊结构的建设工程,设计单位未在设计中提出保障施工作业人员安全和预防生产安全事故的措施建议的 E. 未取得或以欺诈手段骗取资质证书承揽工程的 [单项选择]What does the man mean
A. He doesn’t believe the woman. B. He thinks that Willy was right to do so. C. He doesn’t feel sorry for Willy. D. He thinks the bananas should be good for Willy. [单项选择]下列叙述中,错误的是( )。
A. 一个函数中可以有多条return语句 B. 调用函数必须在一条独立的语句中完成 C. 函数可通过return语句返回其函数值 D. 主函数名main()也可以带形参 [单选题]电缆穿越墙、洞、楼板,两端涂刷防火涂料长度各不得小于(1.0米)。
A.1.0 米; B.0.9 米; C.0.7 米; D.0.6 米 [单选题]患者,女,孕37周,常规产检,结果为“胎儿宫内缺氧?待查”,以下不能提示存在宫内缺氧的是
A.12小时胎动计数小于3次 B.胎动消失 C.胎动频繁挣扎 D.观察20分钟无胎动,提示胎儿储备能力下降 E.胎动受声振刺激后加强 [单选题]乙烯在空气中的爆炸极限是( )。
A.2.7%~32% B.2.7%~36% C.2.7%~37.2% D.2.7%~72.7% [单项选择]
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}} A battery-driven bus, which is not only quiet and pollution-free but competitive with the conventional bus on cost and performance has been developed by a group of British companies. The prototype, fifty-passenger single-deck vehicle, is to go in operation in Manchester shortly, and discussions with the Department of the Environment are expected to lead to a further batch of twenty going into regular passenger service in Manchester within two year and possibly in other cities, including London. Unlike the small government-sponsored battery bus now undergoing triads in provincial cities, whose tow speed and range effectively limits it to city-center operation, the new Silent Rider ,with a range 40 miles between charges and a speed of 40 m. p. h. ,will take its place with diesel buses for normal urban and sub- urban services. Its capital cost is higher (about 20,000 pounds compared with 1500 pounds) A. It will carry more passengers. B. It will have a wider range. C. It can be used all through the way. D. It will cost less to recharge. [单选题]汽车用交流发电机电动势的大小和发电机的______的乘积成正比。( )
A.转速和负荷 B.转速和真空度 C.转速和磁通量 [单项选择]确定业主大会定期会议期间的文件是( )。
A. 管理规约 B. 业主大会决议 C. 业主大会议事规则 D. 业主委员会决议 [判断题]无缝线路是由许多根标准长度的钢轨焊接成为不小于300m的长钢轨线路。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]科学文卫行业对于为自己树立()的事情会比较感兴趣,抓住这一点帮助客户策划一些可以有效宣传的活动。
A. 婴儿期 B. 童年期 C. 青春发育早期 D. 青春发育中期 E. 成人期 [单项选择]在城市次干道旁设置港湾式路边停车带时,是否需要设置分隔带下列答案中正确答案是( )。
A. 不需设分隔带 B. 可设可不设分隔带 C. 应设分隔带 D. 停车带长度短时要设分隔带 [多选题]CPC卡跨省调拨调出省中心执行调拨指令,确定交接()。
A.交接时间 B.交接省界仓库 C.交接车辆 D.交接联系人 [多项选择]上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所均对权证的上市的()作出要求。
A. 标的股票的流通股份市值 B. 标的股票交易的活跃性 C. 权证存量 D. 权证持有人数量 我来回答: 提交