Palenque was founded three centuries
ago by runaway slaves in the jungle of Colombia. On the surface, it{{U}}
(62) {{/U}}any other impoverished Colombian village. But when adults
here speak with one another, their language draws{{U}} (63) {{/U}}from
as far away as Africa. This{{U}} (64) {{/U}}speech is known as
Palenquero. Theories about its{{U}} (65) {{/U}}vary, but one thing is
certain: It{{U}} (66) {{/U}}for centuries m this small community, which
is now struggling to keep it from{{U}} (67) {{/U}}. The survival of Palenquero{{U}} (68) {{/U}}San Basilio de Palenque, part of whose{{U}} (69) {{/U}}name is the Spanish word for a fortified village of runaway slaves. Different from other villages that were conquered, this community has successfully{{U}} (70) {{/U}}threats to its existence to this day. {{U}} (71) {{/U} A. engaged B. exerted C. undertaken D. put [判断题]起病较急的躯体疾病常引起急性脑病综合征,如谵妄。()
A. 按每提前一年减发2%(不含个人账户养老金)的基本养老金核定退休待遇 B. 计算公式为:基本养老金=(基础性养老金+过渡性养老金+170元)*(1-提前退休年限*2%)+个人账户养老金 C. 计算公式为:基本养老金=(基础性养老金+过渡性养老金)*(1-提前退休年限*2%)+个人账户养老金 D. 计算公式为:基本养老金=(基础性养老金+过渡性养老金+170元)*(1-提前退休年限*2%) E. 《吉林省统一企业职工基本养老保险制度实施办法》(吉政发<1998>22号)中的“新办法” [判断题]地震、台风、洪水、泥石流等灾害发生时,巡视人员与派出部门之间应保持通信联络。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为什么年龄相关性皮质性白内障过熟期易发生晶状体脱位?
[多选题]跨越不停电线路架线施工应在良好天气下进行,遇( )、雪、霜,相对湿度大于85%或5级以上大风天气时,应停止作业。
A.A.雷电 B.B.雨 C.C.雾 D.D.4级风 [判断题]Z作业中,工作绳端头不应松散,不应用接头。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电流表的内阻( )。
A.越小越好 B.越大越好 C.适中为好 D.不确定 我来回答: 提交