Most marketing operations pay close attention to what young people are buying and thinking. Not Britain’s political parties, however, for the simple reason that the under-30s are unlikely to go anywhere near a polling booth. In 1964, 11% of those aged 18 to 24 claimed not to vote, according to the British Election Study. At the general election last year that figure rose to 55%. 46. A report this week by Reform, a think-tank, suggests that this reticence is costing them dearly. Changes in government policy, it argues, have turned being young into a terrible bore.
47. There are already two powerful economic forces working against the so-called "IPOD generation" that are beyond the government’s control. First, the ageing of the population is fast increasing the ratio of people in retirement to those of working age. So the young can look forward to handing over a rising proportion of their pay to support the oldies in their decline. Second
Last year our country hosted the
Olympic Games. It is held{{U}} (41) {{/U}}.Many players{{U}} (42)
{{/U}}, all over the world take part in it. The old Olympic Games began
around the year 776BC in Greece and the modern games came from the{{U}} (43)
{{/U}}ones. The Olympic Games stopped for a long time. But people didn’t{{U}} (44) {{/U}}them. The first Olympic Games in modern times happened in 1896. They were held in Greece—the games were born in this{{U}} (45) {{/U}}. In the 1896 games, there were 311 players from just thirteen countries. After that, {{U}} (46) {{/U}}countries took part in the games. One of the great competitions{{U}} (47) {{/U}}not for a medal. It’s the competition among countries to hold the game. To hold the Olympic Games is a great prize{{U}} (48) {{ [多选题]配网开关的保护定值整定应由配网运维部门或负责项目的责任人(如业扩经理、客户管理单位)向调控部门提交申请和相关资料,继电保护专责应按照上级电源的保护和配网的接线、开关设备特点,对相应保护进行()、()、()、(),并监督执行。
A.A.配置确定 B.B.接线审定 C.C.整定计算 D.D.下达定值 [多选题]桥梁结构性检测应包含的内容有( )
A. 结构几何参数、结构线形及变位 B. 构件材料强度、构件裂缝 C.构件缺损及耐久性状况、支座与伸缩装置状态 D.索力、结构自振频率 [单选题]乘务长广播:“ ”,后舱5号乘务员须向乘务长进行内话报告无外来人员。
A.各号位各就各位 B.地面工作人员请下机 C.各自检查所在区域 D.客舱乘务员请准备 [单项选择]20世纪初叶陈滋所编的一部具有代表性的著作是()。
A. 《中西眼科汇通》 B. 《眼科百问》 C. 《一草亭目科全书》 D. 《眼科菁华灵》 E. 《眼科奇书》 [判断题]凡坠落高度在 2.5m 以上的工作平台、人行通道(部位),在坠落面侧应设置固定式防护栏杆
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]商检机构对进出口商品实施抽查检验时,应当公布抽查检验结果或者向有关部门通报抽查检验情况。()
A. 40~50ml/min B. 60~80ml/min C. 30~40ml/min D. 20~30ml/min E. 10~20ml/min [多项选择]健康的生活方式应做到()
A. 勤洗头 B. 理发 C. 勤洗澡 D. 换衣 E. 不洗手 [判断题]接单后,立即联系故障报修客户,告知客户快速前往处理,保证到达现场及时率。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]颗粒状白斑多见于()
A. 唇红黏膜 B. 口角区颊黏膜 C. 舌腹口底黏膜 D. 牙龈黏膜 E. 软腭黏膜 [判断题]因非安保原因或因拒绝接受安全检查而不准登机的旅客,其托运行李应当从航空器上卸下。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按再关门按钮确认按压时间( )。
A.大于2秒 B.大于3秒 C.2秒 D.3秒 我来回答: 提交