{{B}}Is the Tie a Necessity {{/B}} Ties, or neckties, have been a symbol ’of politeness and elegance in Britain for centuries. But the casual Prime Minister Tony Blair has problems with them. Reports suggest that even the civil servants may stop wearing ties. So, are the famously formal British really going to abandon the neckties Maybe. Last week, the UK’s Cabinet Secretary Andrew Turnbull openly welcomed a tieless era. He hinted that civil servants would soon be free of the costliest 12 inches of fabric that most men ever buy in their lives. In fact, Blair showed this attitude when he had his first guests to a cocktail party. Many of them were celebrities (知名人士) without ties, which would have been unimaginable even in the recent past. For some more conservative British, the tie is a must for A. Going to church. B. Going to work in the office. C. Staying at home. D. Going to a party. [单项选择]某宗房地产的正常成交价格为5000元/m2,卖方应缴纳的税费为正常成交价格的7%,买方应缴纳的税费为正常成交价格的2%。则卖方实际得到的价格为()元/m2。
A. 2150 B. 2325 C. 4345 D. 4650 [多选题]中国“复兴号”动车组具有创新性、 ________、人性化、经济性等特点。
A.复杂性 B.安全性 C.智能化 D.优越性 [判断题]失压保护其目的是防止因用电设备突然起动造成机械损坏、工件报废和人身事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]联系用手信号显示股道号码时,夜间用白色灯光作圆形转动后,左右摇动,然后再从左下方向右上方高举,表示开通七道。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]确定药物四气的理论依据是()
A. 从人体的感觉总结出来的 B. 从机体的反应总结出来的 C. 从疾病的性质总结出来的 D. 从药物作用于机体所发生的反应概括出来的 E. 从药物药用部位、质地轻重等推导出来的 [判断题]出站及发车进路信号机的色灯复示信号机显示一个绿色灯光——表示主体信号机在开放状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]箱型晒版机若灯源在下方则()
A. 底片在版面下方 B. 底片在版面上方 C. 底片药膜面朝下 D. 印版刮印面朝下 [多选题]主叫号码显示(OIP)和限制(OIR)业务,是通过初始INVITE消息的( )和头字段来实现的。
A.From B.Privacy C.PAI D.To 我来回答: 提交