Kimiyuki Suda should be a perfect
customer for Japan’s car makers. He’s a young (34) , successful executive at an
internet-services company in Tokyo and has plenty of disposable income. He used
to own Toyota’s Hilux Surf, a sport utility vehicle. But now he uses mostly
subways and trains. "It’s not inconvenient at all," he says. Besides, "having a
car is so 20th century. " Suda reflects a worrisome trend in Japan; the automobile is losing its emotional appeal, particularly among the young, who prefer to spend their money on the latest electronic gadgets. While minicars and luxury foreign brands are still popular, everything in between is slipping. Last year sales fell 6.7 percent—7.6 percent if you don’t count the minicar market. There have been larger one-year drops in other nations: sales in Germany A. Highly-developed mass transit in Japan and less mature mass transit in Europe. B. Decreasing spending on cars and increasing expenditure on net and mobile-phones. C. Declining sales of cars in Japan since 1990 and a tax hike in Germany in 2007. D. The latest electronic gadgets and the booming rental-car industry. [判断题]风机发生剧烈振动和撞击属于设备正常现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下关于营业网点柜员权限,说法正确的是( )
A.网点柜员具有个人、企业客户网上银行注册、变更、注销等业务的录入权限 B.网点柜员具有对个人客户信息、企业客户信息的查询权限 C.负责网点个人、企业网银盾的售出 D. 负责本网点网上银行管理系统操作员的角色管理 [单项选择]一些政策方案可能存在着程度不同的风险,必须对各个备选方案的风险强弱程度、防范措施的准备程度进行分析评估,从中选择风险最小的政策方案,这是()。
A. 价值标准 B. 成本-效益标准 C. 可行性标准 D. 风险标准 [单选题]
单选题: 假如企业流动比率提高,则反映出 A.企业偿债能力提高 B.企业盈利能力提高 C.企业流动资产增加 D.企业资产流动性增加 [单项选择]PC机中的硬中断服务程序执行的是( )。
A. 外部中断请求CPU完成的任务 B. 主程序中安排的中断指令 C. 主程序中安排的转移指令 D. 主程序中安排的调用指令 [单选题] 单选题 ( 1.0 分 )
船机磨损故障期的特点是_____ A. 故障率低 B. 故障率随时间延长而增加 C. 时间较长 D. 故障率随时间延长而降低 [多项选择]砖砌窨井定额包括()。
A. 挖土 B. 砼垫层 C. 内外壁粉刷 D. 井圈盖制作 E. 开圈盖安装 [单选题]炒后可降低毒性的药材是
A.苍耳子 B.王不留行 C.槐花 D.莱菔子 E.决明子 [单选题]既往研究中(包括前瞻性及回顾性研究),硼替佐米诱导+维持治疗是否能部分克服细胞遗传学异常的不良预后?( )
A.是 B.否 [判断题]反应压力是加氢裂化工艺过程的重要参数。反应压力越高对加氢裂化工艺过程越有利,所以我们在日常操作中尽可能选择高的系统压力
[单选题]对于( )的待救者,救援人员应组织救援力量,快速到达作业点,实施救援。
A.自杀倾向 B.精神不正常 C.债务纠纷人员 D.高空作业人员 [单选题]The expected return on a portfolio considers which of the following factors?
I. Percentage of the portfolio invested in each individual security II. Projected states of the economy III. The performance of each security given various economic states IV. Probability of occurrence for each state of the economy A. I and III only B. II and IV only C. I, III, and IV only D. II, III, and IV only E. I, II, III, and IV Difficulty: 1 Easy Topic: Expected return Learning Objective: 13-01 Show how to calculate expected returns, variance, and standard deviation. [多选题] 在转动着的电机上调整,清扫电刷及滑环时,应由有经验的电工担任,下列规定正确的是()。
A.作业人员应特别小心,不使衣服及擦拭材料被机器挂住,扣紧袖口,发辫应放在帽内 B.作业人员工作时站在绝缘垫上(该绝缘垫为常设固定型绝缘垫) C.不得同时接触两极或一极与接地部分 D.应两人同时进行工作 我来回答: 提交