The blue of the sea is caused by the scattering of sunlight by tiny particles suspended in the water. Blue light, being of short wavelength, is scattered more efficiently than light of longer wavelengths. Although waters of the open ocean are commonly some shade of blue, green water is commonly seen near coasts, especially in tropical or subtropical regions. This is caused by yellow pigments being mixed with blue water. Phytoplankton are one source of the yellow pigment. Other microscopic plants may color the water brown or brownish-red. Near the shore, silt or sediment in suspension can give water a brownish hue. Outflow of large rivers can often be observed many miles offshore by the coloration of suspended soil particles. Marine phytoplankton (Greek for "plant wanderers") are microscopic single-celled plants that include diatoms, dinoflagella A. Red. B. Green. C. Yellow. D. Blue. [多选题]( )等不得用于室内消防系统。
A.聚乙烯类管道 B.聚氯乙烯类管道 C.铝塑复合管 D.钢管 E.铜管 [不定项选择题]对可控性因素的归因,使人们更可能对未来的行为做出( )的预测。单选
A.准确 B.变化 C.稳定 D.系统 [多选题]232. 客货运输票据入库、领发、出库,均要建立( )制度。《汇编》
A.清点 B.登记 C.签收 D.审核 [简答题]大部分的触电死亡事故是( )造成的
A.尿结合胆红素阳性 B.血结合胆红素量增加 C.血非结合胆红素量减少 D.疾病早期尿胆原可减少 E.肝功能检查可不正常 [单选题]正线道岔(直向)与曲线超高顺坡终点之间的直线段长度:200km/h> Vmax>160km/h的线路,困难情况下情况不应小于( )m。
A.150 B.100 C.70 D.30 [单项选择]肠梗阻宜尽早手术治疗的是()
A. 肠套叠 B. 蛔虫性肠梗阻 C. 麻痹性肠梗阻 D. 肠扭转 E. 粘连性肠梗阻 [单项选择]机盘管加新风空调系统的优点().
A. 单独控制 B. 美观 C. 安装方便 D. 寿命长 [单选题]一体机对接省电子证照系统,不可以实现()事项可通过一体机进行打印输出。
A.广东省生育登记证明(一孩登记) B.广东省生育登记证明(二孩登记) C.出生医学证明 D.重大疾病证明 [多项选择]用滚珠螺旋传动代替普通螺旋传动可以()。
A. 提高传动效率 B. 降低生产成本 C. 提高使用寿命 D. 加强反同自锁能力 E. 提高传动精度 [判断题]在确认起火建筑无被困人员后,消防员发现建筑有倒塌征兆或存有倒塌风险时,不得强行内攻。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]请为各个部门和分公司分配IP地址和子网掩码,IP地址分配表如表1-1所示。要求表中子网地址从小到大进行排列,方便与路由汇总。注意:该单位的路由器不支持全0子网和全1子网。