Task Two--Summary of the
news ·For questions 18-22, match the extracts with the summaries of the business news, listed A-H. ·For each extract, choose the summary reported. ·Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the text. A China and Russia are going to build hi-tech parks. B The U.S, and China issued a joint statement on economic and financial issues. C The Pan-Pearl River Delta region is willing to strengthen cooperation with the U. S. tourism players. D Shanghai gets western gas that pumps through the huge West-to-East Natural Gas Pipeline. E Shanghai Volkswagen Corporation plans to out the price of its car parts aiming to have more market share in China. F China plans to build a third scientific research station on Antarctica during the 11th five-year-plan period. G China plans to regulate firework [单选题](127)恒沸蒸馏适用于具有共沸组成或相对挥发度接近于1用一般方法难以实现分离的混合液,如( )。
A.从乙醇与水的混合液中分离出无水酒精 B.分离苯和环己烷的混合液 C.要得到纯度很高的松节油 D.硝酸和水的混合液 [单选题] 变压器中性点装入小电阻的目的是( )。
A.提高电网电压水平 B.限制变压器绕组间短路电流 C.提高变压器绝缘水平 D.限制接地短路电流 [多项选择]孕中期保健重点内容以下正确的是:()
A. 合理膳食 B. 指导产后家庭自我护理 C. 指导乳房护理 D. 孕妇母乳喂养的有关知识 E. 指导产后新生儿护理 [单项选择]翻译起始复合物的组成是
A. DNA模板+RNA+RNA聚合酶 B. Dna蛋白+开链DNA C. 核糖体+蛋氨酰tRNA+mRNA D. 翻译起始因子+核糖体 E. 核糖体+起始tRNA [判断题]房产税属于财产税中的个别财产税。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]已知在四个电阻串联的电路中,通过其中一个电阻的电流为10A,则该电路中的电流为( )A。
A. 2.5 B. 10 C. 20 [单项选择]风温桑菊饮证兼口渴者,方中最宜加()
A. 马勃 B. 杏仁 C. 玄参 D. 陈皮 E. 天花粉 [单项选择]下列各项税金中,构成相关成本的是( )。
A. 收购已税矿产品代扣代交的资源税 B. 用于直接出售的委托加工应税消费晶由受托方代交的消费税 C. 用于连续生产的委托加工应税消费晶由受托方代交的消费税 D. 购入后用于对外投资的材料物资所支付的增值税 [单选题]305.破伤风典型肌肉收缩最先发生在
A..面肌 B..颈项肌 C..咀嚼肌 D..四肢肌群 E..肋间肌 我来回答: 提交