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Optimation Ltd. , a polymer packaging and converting specialist, is one small company that is suffering. Its highly specialised engineering work is in great demand but a lack of qualified staff has hindered growth.
"We have a number of potential clients awaiting a visit to discuss new projects, but we are tied up on existing orders because we are short of the necessary skills on the shop floor," Helen Mitchell, the company’s founder, says.
And according to Alice Teague, the education and training officer at the Federation of Small Businesses, Ms. Mitchell’s experience is not unique. Many small businesses suffer skill shortages--particularly those at the technical craft level such as engineering and construction companies.
"Small companies tend to be more vulnerable to skill shortages because they are unable to offer the same pay or benefits as larger companies so they struggle in the recruitment market."
A. small companies may always have no sufficient time and money to put into the scheme.
B. all the candidates studying in the scheme can be qualified and skillful finally.
C. the apprenticeship scheme is still very valuable despite some small imperfections
D. all the businesses need to adopt the apprentices to improve their achievements.
Teaching is supposed to be an activity
requiring long and complicated training as well as official certification
(资格证书). The student’s role is one of receiving information; the teacher’s role
is one of sending it. There is a clear distinction assumed between one who is
supposed to know (and therefore not capable of being wrong) and another, usually
younger person, who is supposed not to know. However, teaching need not be the province of a special group of people nor need it be looked upon as a A. a job carried out by well-trained people B. a technical skill C. a complicated activity D. an official certification [单项选择]珍珠炮制常用的辅料是()。
A. 蛤粉 B. 白矾 C. 豆腐 D. 黑豆 E. 生姜 [多选题]联锁检查的三项基本条件是()
A.进路空闲 B.道岔位置正确 C.敌对进路未建立 D.信号机状态正常 [简答题]单元机组中,锅炉和汽机在适应电网负荷要求的速度上有什么差异?为了解决这一矛盾,在协调控制系统的设计中要采取哪些技术措施?
[多选题][中]党支部应当严格执行党的组织生活制度,经常、认真、严肃地开展批评和自我批评,增强党内政治生活的政治性、时代性 、( )、( )。
A.原则性 B.战斗性 C.创新性 D.严肃性 [单项选择]麻腮风疫苗(麻腮疫苗、麻疹疫苗)的接种对象()。
A. 0-6月龄 B. 6-12月龄 C. 12-18月龄 D. 18-24月龄 [单选题]导致肺心病死亡的首要原因是
A. 呼衰 B. 休克 C. 肺性脑病 D. 酸碱失衡 E. 上消化道出血 [判断题]发生区间火灾时若此时列车因故停在区间隧道时,立即启动相应的隧道火灾模式。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]城市生态系统中鼠类群落出现演替的原因()
A. 地域范围扩大 B. 气候变化 C. 房屋结构变化 D. 交通工具变化 E. 用药杀灭措施变化 F. 人口增加变化 [多选题]与股票投资相比,债券投资的主要缺点有( )。
A. 购买力风险大 B. 流动性风险大 C. 没有经营管理权 D. 投资收益不稳定 [判断题]地下室人防墙和外墙模板工程中不能周转使用的对拉螺栓属于措施工程。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交