She was French; he was English; they
had just moved to London from Paris. When he found out about her affair, she
begged for a reconciliation. He was more ruthless: the same afternoon, he filed
for divorce in France, one of the stingiest jurisdictions in Europe for the
non-earning spouse and where adultery affects the court’s ruling. Had she filed
first in England her conduct would have been irrelevant, and she would have had
a good chance of a large share of the marital assets, and even maintenance for
life. International divorce is full of such dramas and anomalies, so the natural response of policymakers is to try to make things simpler and more predictable. But A. Vetoes from some countries blocked Rome III from being put into effect. B. Citizens in those countries require the government to do so. C. Rome Ⅲ was just too ambitious to encompass all the issues that may occur in Europe, thus lacking of feasibility in specific cases. D. Differences between civil law system and common law system force this. [单项选择]It is no easy job to be a teacher. One has to be extremely patient ______the students.
A. at B. about C. on D. with [多选题]V型串悬挂滑车前将( )、( )、( )在地面连接完成。
A.绝缘子金具串 B.挂滑车专用联板 C.放线滑车 D.地线金具 [单选题]关系数据库中,能唯一标识一个元组的那个属性称为( )。
A.唯一性的属性 B.不可改动的保留字段 C.关系元组的唯一性 D.关键字段 [单选题]有限空间作业申请人由作业负责人或有限空间作业单位的管理人员担任。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]城区、人口密集区或交通道口和通行道路上施工时,工作场所进口应装设遮栏(围栏),并在相应部位装设监控。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]票据保管应达到票统帐、储票柜、客票报告、窗口票箱的票据顺序编号四统一。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某员工高处作业时,触电后高处坠落死亡,该事故属于 ( )。
A.高处坠落事故 B.触电事故 C.电伤事故 D.灼烫事故 [单选题]1994-62.患者,男,15岁,发热胸闷,口噤,颈背强直,甚则角弓反张,手足挛急,腹胀便秘,舌红,苔黄厚腻,脉弦数,应属痉证中哪一证候
A.邪壅经络 B.热甚发痉 C.湿热入络 D.痰瘀互阻 E.阴血亏虚 [单选题]( )是社会主义职业道德的基本原则。[122000000]
A.公事公办 B.办事公道 C.公事私办 D.实事求是 [单选题]产品生命周期策略中,在( ),销售价格应灵活机动,该降则降;销售方式应采用多种竞争手段,并加强售后服务;同时,应尽快开发出更新的房地产产品来占领市场。
A.引进期 B.成长期 C.成熟期 D.衰退期 [单项选择]There is no objection ( ) the plan immediately.
A. to carrying out B. to carry out C. of carrying out D. in carrying out [单项选择]关于计算机网络的描述中,错误的是()
A. 计算机网络的基本特征是网络资源共享 B. 计算机网络是联网的自治计算机的集合 C. 联网计算机通信需遵循共同的网络协议 D. 联网计算机之间需要有明确的主从关系 [单项选择]对于可不做地基变形验算的二级建筑物,根据土样的物理指标得到f0后,再经修正得到fK,其修正系数ψf是考虑()因素的影响
A. 土样数量的多少 B. 土样的取值方法 C. 土样的离散性 D. 土样的种类 [单项选择]在飞行中行使优先权后(因能量),着陆后若局方需要,需多少时间内想局方书面报告()。
A. 24小时 B. 48小时 C. 72小时 [多选题]城市轨道交通建设应(_______)。
A.合理利用资源 B.贯穿国民经济可持续发展战略 C.做好环境保护、安全文明工作 D.坚持废物利用原则 [单选题] 只有当2种探测技术的传感器都探测到( )时才报警的探测器称为双探测器
A.图像变化 B.物体移动 C.人体移动 D.声音变化 我来回答: 提交