It’s a modern problem: You’re too busy to be disturbed by incessant (连续不断的) phone calls so you turn your cellphone off. But if you don’t remember to turn it back on when you’re less busy, you could miss some important calls. If only the phone knew when it was wise to interrupt you, you wouldn’t have to turn it off at all. Instead, it could let calls through when you are not too busy. A bunch of behavior sensors (传感器) and a clever piece of software could do just that, by analyzing your behavior to determine if it’s a good time to interrupt you. If built into a phone, the system may decide you’re too busy and ask the caller to leave a message or ring back later. James Fogarty and Scott Hudson at Camegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania based their system on tin A. they must tolerate phone disturbances or miss important calls. B. they must turn off their phones to keep their homes quiet. C. they have to switch from a desktop phone to a cellphone. D. they are too busy to make phone calls. [单项选择]肺动脉高压早期的X线表现是().
A. 双肺纹理增多 B. 双肺透亮度增加 C. 右下肺动脉主干增宽 D. 右心房肥大 E. 右心室肥厚、扩张 [单选题]直肠癌最常见的症状是:( )
A.里急后重 B.腹痛 C.血便 D.尿频 [单项选择]化纤缆的破断强度估算公式T﹦97KD²,其中K为系数,对尼龙缆K值应取()。
A. 0.74-0.85 B. l.l9-l.33 C. 1.10-1.21 D. 1.21-1.40 [单选题]扶绝缘柄的人应( ),并采取防灼伤措施
A.戴绝缘手套 B.站在绝缘垫上 C.穿绝缘靴 D.戴绝缘手套并站在绝缘垫上 [判断题]各连接部位出现松动或钢丝绳有断丝、锈蚀、退火等情况时禁止使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]事故紧急抢修工作,指电气设备发生故障被迫紧急停止运行,需当天恢复的抢修和排除故障的工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]我现在很少收到她的来信。
A. 常影响胃酸分泌 B. 胃萎缩指胃容量小 C. 萎缩性胃窦炎在我国多为HP感染所致 D. 萎缩性胃炎时胃黏膜不可能变厚 E. 大多有明显症状 [单选题]隐血试验前3天禁忌的饮食是
A.豆制品 B.马铃薯 C.大白菜 D.白萝卜 E.绿叶菜 [单选题]关于抗风压性能、气密性能和水密性能检测装置中的测量系统,不正确的是( )。
A.不包括空气流量测量装置 B.包括压力差测量装置 C.包括位移测量装置 D.差压计的误差应小于示值的2%。 [单选题]在变电站内使用起重机械时,应安装接地装置,接地线应用多股软铜线,其截面应满足接地短路容量的要求,但不得小于( )mm2。
A.16 B.14 C.12 D.10 [判断题]防火对通风的要求是风流稳定、漏风量少和通风网络中有关区段易于隔绝。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]秤台与引坡之间无接触会引起哪种故障().
A. 线缆损坏 B. 损坏仪表 C. 开机自检正常,但显示超载或欠载 D. 损坏传感器 [单选题]《消防法》规定,消防工作贯彻预防为主、防消结合的方针,按照政府统一领导、部门依法监管、单位全面负责、公民积极参与的原则,实行( ),建立健全社会化的消防工作网络。
A.社会化消防监督 B.消防安全监控 C.消防责任制 D.消防安全责任制 我来回答: 提交