For the people who have never traveled
across the Atlantic the voyage is a fantasy. But for the people who cross it
frequently one crossing of the Atlantic is very much like another, and they do
not make the voyage for the (41) of its interest. Most of us
are quite happy when we feel (42) to go to bed and pleased
when the journey (43) . On the first night this time I felt
especially lazy and went to bed (44) earlier than usual. When
I (45) my cabin, I was surprised (46) that
I was to have a companion during my trip, which made me feel a little unhappy. I
had expectedA. in each place B. for all parts C. somewhere D. anywhere [判断题]牵引双管供风的旅客列车时,运行中应注意确认列车总风管压力的显示,发现异常情况时应及时通知车辆乘务员,运行至前方停车站处理,并报告列车调度员
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]
施工单位主要负责人依法对本单位的安全生产工作全面负责,应该( )。 A. 建立健全安全生产责任制度 B. 制定安全生产规章制度和操作规程 C. 保证本单位安全生产条件所需资金的投入 D. 对所承担的建设工程进行定期和专项安全检查 E. 建立健全安全生产教育培训制度 [单项选择]企业管理发展的最高阶段是()
A. 经营管理 B. 科学管理 C. 文化管理 D. 无管理 [判断题]基坑边缘lm内禁止堆物堆料,1m以外堆物堆料必须满足设计要求或专项方案规定。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]许可开始工作的命令,应通知工作负责人。其方法可采用:( )
A.口头通知 B.当面许可 C.电话许可 D.短信传达 [填空题]Since the 1960s, a lot of houses have been built in the suburbs, far from the centers of large cities. While more and more people are working in and around the big cities, most (47) not to live in city conditions.
As the suburbs grow, except in the biggest cities which are tourist attractions in themselves the central areas are losing commerce to the suburbs. Modem American women are (48) to buying all their food in weekly visits to the (49) , bringing it home in the car. Once an American has reached his home he is interested in working to (50) it--making things, mending things--to make it as pleasant as possible. There is a strong (51) to spend much free time at home when the home is well-equipped, comfortable and (52) ; even the private swimming pool is no longer (53) for the very rich. Americans invite their friends to their homes more than most people in Europe. Parties for children and for grown-up [判断题]微机票据是无面额的通行费票据,适用于收费系统正常收费时使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]完成工作许可手续后,工作执行人(监护人)应向工作组员交待带电部位,已采取的安全措施和其他注意事项。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]DDRIII内存的突发传输周期值为()。
A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 [多选题]电压互感器的二次回路通电试验时,应( ),防止由二次侧向一次侧反送电。
A.电压互感器停电 B.取下电压互感器高压熔断器或拉开电压互感器一次刀闸 C.将二次回路断开 D.断开电压互感器二次侧永久性接地点 [单项选择]为了加强安全生产监督管理, ( )生产安全事故的发生,保障人民群众生命财产安全,促进经济发展和保障社会稳定,必须加强安全生产立法工作。
A. 降低 B. 防止和减少 C. 预防 D. 控制 [单选题]Skim milk 的中文是( )。
A.鲜奶 B.脱脂牛奶 C.全脂牛奶 D.凝脂牛奶 [判断题]电力电缆和控制电缆尽量配置在同一层支架上。( )(GB 50168—2018《电气装置安装工程 电缆线路施工及验收标准》6.4.1)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电缆耐压试验分相进行时,( )电缆应接地。
A.A.三相 B.B.试验相 C.C.另两相 [判断题]橡塑绝缘电力电缆变频谐振试验当被试电缆电容较大时,可以采用串—并联谐振法。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交