Cultural norms so completely surround
people, so permeate thought and action that we never recognize the assumptions
on which their lives and their sanity rest. As one observer put it, if birds
were suddenly endowed with scientific curiosity they might examine many things,
but the sky itself would be overlooked as a suitable subject; if fish were to
become curious about the world, it would never occur to them to begin by
investigating water, e For birds and fish would take the sky and sea for
granted, unaware of their profound influence because they comprise the medium
for every fact. Human beings, in a similarly way, occupy a symbolic universe
governed by codes that are unconsciously acquired and automatically employed. So
much so that they rarely notice that the ways they interpret and talk about
events are distinctively differen A. open-mindedness B. provincialism C. superiority D. discrimination [单选题]在简化分批法下,累计间接计入费用分配率()。
A.只是在各批产品之间分配间接计入费用的依据 B.只是在各批在产品之间分配间接计入费用的依据 C.既是各批产品之间,也是完工产品与在产品之间分配间接计入费用的依据 D.只是完工产品与在产品之间分配间接计入费用的依据 [单项选择]混凝土受压弹性模量最后计算精确至()
A. 1MPa B. 10MPa C. 100MPa D. 1000MPa [判断题]临近带电体作业时杆塔或地面上作业人员应将金属物品接地后再接触,以防电击。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]ZG1-24/2.4型整流器直流输出电压为DC24V。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列货物必须配备押运人员的是( )。
A.硝酸铵 B.烟花爆竹 C.硅铁 D.液化石油气 [单选题]局管内变更卸车站,处理站应报( )同意后方可受理。
A. 铁路总公司 B. 集团公司 C. 站段 D. 车间 [判断题]派班室机车调度员应实行对口交接制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是一种多功能、多量程的便携式电工仪表,一般可以测量直流电流、直流电压、交流电压和电阻等。
A.电平表 B.万用表 C.兆欧表 D.钳形表 [判断题]按照规定时间准时开饭。就餐时间通常不超过 1 小时。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]>全补偿链形悬挂中,当接触线弛度误差不足规定限界值者按( )掌握。
A.5mm B.10mm C.15mm D.20mm [单项选择]高质量的烧结矿含铁品位要()。
A. 高 B. 低 C. 无所谓 [单项选择]现在,有各种各样地震预测,但至今还没有哪个国家能够真正准确地预报地震,这说明()
A. 地震是神秘的,不可捉摸的 B. 地震变幻莫测,现有科技还无法精确预知其发生趋势 C. 设备过于落后 D. 人太傻 [填空题]浙江第一高峰是龙泉市凤阳山的 __________,海拔1929米。
A.下部烟叶氮碱比值 B.下部烟叶糖碱比值 C.上部烟叶氮碱比值 D.上部烟叶糖碱比值 [多选题]公安机关在作出( )的治安管理处罚决定前,应当告知违反治安管理行为人有权要求举行听证。
A.吊销许可证 B.处2000元以上罚款 C.行政拘留 D.驱逐出境 [单选题]备用变压器一般不少于总台数的( )。
A.0.05 B.0.1 C.0.15 D.0.25 [判断题]为避免漏气,5岁以内的小儿应尽可能选带套囊的气管导管。( )
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