Seismologist David Oppenheimer of’ the U. S. Geological Survey Earthquakes Hazards Team explains (as told to Katherine Harmon) : Traditional geothermal drilling bores into hot rock such as sandstone that has water or steam trapped in its pore spaces and natural fractures. When a drilled hole intersects these fractures, the water flashes into steam because of the sudden drop in pressure-like bubbles that come out of a soda bottle when the cap is removed. The steam surges into the well hole, and the steam pressure at the surface spins a turbine to generate electricity. Sometimes the plant returns some of the water back into the reservoir to keep water levels up. The drilling itself does not cause earthquakes, but the steam removal and water return can do so, by producing new instability along fault or fracture lines.
(41)______________________ Researchers know they result from steam withdrawal or injection because when operators begin geothermal production in a new ar
Passage One
Chinese Buddhist Music Catches Audience in HK
中华佛教音乐吸引香港听众 The Hong Kong Cultural Center in Victoria Bay was packed on Thursday night, and loud applause periodically echoed through the neon lit sky. It was not rock music nor was it pop—it was traditional Chinese Buddhist music that made an instant hit in the modern metropolis. Hong Kong is the fourth leg of the Buddhist music performance tour by a troupe consisting of more than 130 monks from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. And this is also the first time monks from across the Taiwan Strait had jointly set up a troupe to perform, on global stages. Crowds of Hong King residents were lining up at the local port waiting to welcome members of the troupe who A. It signifies a beginning of strengthening cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Straits. B. It marks a beginning of reunification of the mainland and Taiwan. C. It marks a successful religious cross-Strait exchange and cooperation at a global level. D. It signifies that Taiwan and the mainland are of one country. [单选题]:加热到适当温度,保温一定时间后出炉空冷。
A.退火 B.正火 C.回火 D.淬火 [单选题]下列哪一项气体泄露,一般不会发生爆炸?( )
A. 煤气 B. 氯气 C.天然气 D .氨气 [多选题]在对员工进行入职培训时,应( )。
A.将企业的经营理念、发展战略向新员工做出详细的诠释 B.将企业的规章制度向新员工做出详细的诠释 C.进行专业技能培训 D.进行企业纪律要求制度培训 E.进行企业技术保密培训 [多选题]机械冷藏车需摘挂作业时,调车人员应在机械冷藏车乘务组( )下进行。
A.指挥 B.联系 C.同意 D.指导 [填空题]对国内产品的支出:国内支出______。
[多项选择]在制订人工定额时,拟定施工作业定额时间是在拟定( )的基础上编制的。
A. 基本工作时间 B. 辅助工作时问 C. 超负荷下的工作时间 D. 休息时间 E. 不可避免的中断时间 [判断题]在运行站内使用吊车、高空作业车、挖掘机等大型机械开展作业,工作负责人可随时改变施工方案规定的工作内容、工作方式等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]应用下列哪些药物较易出现术后精神或情感改变()
A. 硫喷妥钠 B. 丙泊酚 C. 氯胺酮 D. 芬太尼 E. 氟哌啶 [单选题]【单选】一般来讲,方位角( )度以内的误差是可以接受的。[1分]
A.10 B.5 C.1 D.2 [单选题]三岁患儿上楼梯时,其父向上牵拉右上肢,患儿哭叫,诉肘部疼痛,不肯用左手取物,最可能的诊断是
A.肘关节脱位 B.桡骨头骨折 C.桡骨头半脱位 D.肌肉牵拉伤 E.尺骨鹰嘴撕脱伤 [多项选择]韩律师担任A公司和B公司的常年法律顾问,在与两公司分别签订的聘任合同中均明确规定,聘方如有诉讼案件需交法律顾问办理时,应另行办理委托手续。后B公司因A公司拖欠其货款向法院起诉后,要委托韩律师作为代理人,A公司也要委托韩律师作其代理人。韩律师应该如何处理( )
A. 只接受B公司委托,拒绝A公司委托 B. 既接受A公司委托,又接受B公司委托 C. 不代理任何一方,推荐其他律师分别代理A、B两方参加诉讼 D. 以法律顾问身份居间进行调解 [单选题]工作人员进入自动化检定区域应穿(),并将长发束起,防止长发卷入转动设备内。更换插针、表座等部位时应首先断开电源,确保检定台体无电后在进行操作,防止人身触电。
A.A.短袖 B.B.西装 C.C.工作服 D.D.雨衣 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]检查和保养电器时要切断电源,机车辅修、小修时要用( )的压缩空气吹扫电器,或用毛刷、棉布擦拭电器,使各电器保持清洁干燥。
A..200~300KP B..300~350KPA C..400~550KPA [多选题] 协助负责组织召开新闻发布会的部门应当提前准备并提供的新闻发布稿有什么要求
A. 语言精炼准确 B. 新闻稿字数要足够多 C. 时间一般不超过半小时 D. 时间可以超过一个小时 [单项选择]采煤工作面回采结束后,必须在()天进行永久性密闭。
A. 30 B. 45 C. 50 D. 60 [单选题]经常有人工作的场所及施工车辆上宜配备(),存放急救用品,并应指定专人经常检查、补充或更换。
A. A.工具箱 B.B.保温箱 C.C.急救箱 D.D.医药箱 [单项选择]社会保险运用()法则,在社会范围内分散劳动者的风险。
A. 大数 B. 平均 C. 经济 D. 社会 [单项选择]如果空运单据中同时包含下述日期,则()将被视为发运日期。
A. 空运单据出具日期 B. 载有专门批注注明实际发运日期 C. 与航班号和航班日期相关的信息 D. 收货日期 我来回答: 提交