Historically, the European Union has
not bothered with funding much basic scientific research. Such activities
have mainly remained the preserve of national governments, not least because
giving scientists free rein can lead to discoveries that not only make money but
ultimately enhance military might. That attitude is now changing. The European Commission proposes to establish a European Research Council(ERC) that would spend a maximum of 12 billion( $14 billion) over seven years on" blue skies" research. While the plans are being generally welcomed by Europe’s member states, their details are problematic. The proposed ERC is intended to make Europe more competitive. Europe has some first-class universities, scientific institutions and research organisations, But, the ERC’ s proponents argue, their activities are fragmented, so they A. Because they don’t want to be bothered with those basic researches. B. Because national governments take them as their sole preserve. C. Because member countries want to keep the benefits to themselves. D. Because scientist from the member countries couldn’t compete. [判断题]71、《锅炉安规》规定:热水锅炉运行中遇有下列情况时: 水循环不良,或者锅炉出口水温上升到与出水压力相对应的饱和温度之差小于20℃;应当立即停炉。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]组织的战略远景包括以下内容:()。
A. 经营目标 B. 经营理念 C. 企业宗旨 D. 企业资源 [单项选择]柯布西埃的( )的规划方案,是他的现代城市规划和建设思想的集中体现。
A. 明天城市 B. 未来城市 C. 光辉城市 D. 现代城市 [多项选择]传染病流行过程的基本环节是()。
A. 病原微生物或传染源 B. 易感动物 C. 传播途径 D. 适宜的环境 [判断题]CTC设备中,车站调车操作方式中心对列车进路有操作权,对调车进路无操作权;车站对调车进路有操作权,对列车进路无操作权。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]锅炉的启动过程包括启动前的准备.( )。
A.上水 B.点火 C.升压 D.并汽
A.A B.B C.C D.D [多选题]违反《公路安全保护条例》的规定,有下列哪些行为的,由公路管理机构责令改正,可以处3万元一下的罚款。( )
A.损坏、擅自移动公路附属设施 B.涂改、遮挡公路附属设施 C.利用公路附属设施架设管道 D.利用公路附属设施悬挂物品 [判断题]采用机车运输时,列车或单独机车都必须前有照明、后有红灯。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据我国出口收汇核销制度,企业在向银行结汇时必须提交核销单,否则银行不予核销。( )
[单选题]胃肠黏膜内pH值监测,下列哪项是错误的( )
A. 休克晚期胃缺血、缺氧、代酸 B.休克早期胃肠道处于缺血缺氧状态 C.可能发现隐匿性休克 D.能反映胃肠道组织局部血流灌注 E.能判断胃肠道组织的氧供情况 我来回答: 提交