Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and to praise or criticize others as they are similar to or different from it. And unfortunately, our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted(曲解) one.
Here is a great argument in favor of foreign travel and learning foreign languages.(78) Itis only by traveling in or living in a country and getting m know its inhabitants and their language that one can find out what a country and its people are really like. And how different the knowledge one gains this way frequently turns out to be from the second-hand information gathered from other sources! How often we find that the foreigners whom we thought to be such different people from ourselves are not very different after all!
Differences between peoples do, of course, exist and, one hopes, will always continue to do so. (79) The world will be a dull place indeed when all the different nationalities beha
A. find out what its people are like
B. argue in favor of this country and the language
C. know the country and its people better
D. like its inhabitants and their language
Every living thing has an inner
biological clock that controls behavior. The clock works all the time; even when
there are no outside signs to mark the passing of time. The biological clock
tells plants when to form flowers and when the flowers should open. It tells
insects when to leave the protective cocoon and fly away. And it tells animals
when to eat, sleep and wake. It controls body temperature, the release of some
hormones and even dreams. These natural daily events are circadian
rhythms. Man has known about them for thousands of years. But the first scientific observation of circadian rhythms was not made until 1729. In that year a French astronomer, Jean Jacques d’Ortous de Mairan, noted that one of his plants opened its leaves at the same time every morning, and closed them at the same time every night. The plant did th A. so as not to be recognized by the people. B. so as not to indicate the time to the people when starting work. C. so as to leave the rhythms of the people in disorder. D. so as to observe the abnormal behavior of the people at different times. [单项选择]在我国发病率最高的眼内恶性肿瘤是()
A. 视网膜母细胞瘤 B. 脉络膜黑色素瘤 C. 睫状体黑色素瘤 D. 视神经黑色素瘤 E. 眼部横纹肌肉瘤 [单项选择]典型支气管哮喘发作时最主要的临床表现为()。
A. 吸气性呼吸困难,双肺哮鸣音 B. 呼气性呼吸困难,双肺哮鸣音 C. 端坐呼吸,双肺密布中小水泡音 D. 呼气性呼吸困难,双肺散在干,湿啰音 E. 进行性呼吸困难,肺部局限性哮喘 [单项选择]治疗多发性抽动症阴虚风动证的首选方剂是( )
A. 大定风珠 B. 生脉饮 C. 青蒿鳖甲汤 D. 当归龙荟丸 E. 温胆汤 [单项选择]盐酸二氢埃托啡片的处方最大用量为()
A. 一次常用量 B. 3日常用量 C. 7日常用量 D. 15日常用量 [判断题]施工用电设施应由取得资质的人员安装维护,严禁私拉乱接。这说法是否正确。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]目前球墨铸铁作为发动机曲轴材料得到广泛使用,是因为价格低并能满足各项性能要求。
A. 胃的腐熟功能 B. 脾的运化功能 C. 小肠受盛化物的功能 D. 脾运化水谷的功能和胃腐熟水谷功能的概括 E. 脾的升清功能 [单项选择]有碍食品安全的疾病包括()。
A. 活动性肺结核 B. 渗出性或化脓性皮肤病 C. 消化道传染病 D. 以上都是 [多选题]伤员急救优先处理包括以下哪些情况?:
A.A中度失血性休克 B.B轻度眼损伤 C.C局部软组织损伤 D.D重要血管损伤 [单项选择]记载患者诊疗的文献,1953年卫生部统一定名为( )
A. 诊籍 B. 脉案 C. 医案 D. 病案 [单项选择]不是地图舌的特征是()。
A. 剥苔处舌面光滑无苔 B. 剥处边缘突起 C. 剥处界限清楚 D. 剥落部位时常转移 E. 舌苔可呈大片剥落 [单选题]【单选题】1911年10月10日,( )拉开了中国完全意义上的近代民族民主革命的序幕。
A. 武昌起义 B. 武汉会战 C. 双十事变 D. 新文化运动的开始 [单选题]1944年3月,( )在延安中央党校作《关于党的“六大”研究》的报告,评价中共六大关于革命的性质、动力、前途、形势和策略方针等问题的决定基本上是对的。
A.向忠发 B.瞿秋白 C.李立三 D.周恩来 [判断题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,挖到电缆保护层后,应由有经验的人员在场指导和监护,方可继续进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《人民警察法》规定有下列情形之一的,不得担任人民警察:①曾因违法犯罪受过行政或刑事处罚的;②曾被开除公职的。 ( )
Every week hundreds of CVs (简历) land on our desks. We’ve seen it all: CVs printed on pink paper, CVs that are 10 pages long and CVs with silly mistakes in first paragraph. A S1.()good CV is your passport to an interview and, ultimate, to S2.()the job you want. Initial impressions are vital, and a badly presented CV could mean acceptance, regardless of what’s in it.S3.()Here are a few ways to avoid end up on the, reject pile.S4. ()Print your CV on good-quality white paper. CVs with flowery backgrounds or pink paper will stand out upon all the wrong reasons.S5.() [单选题]运行电能表的时钟误差累计不得超过()min,否则,应进行校时或更换电能表。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单项选择]The old people believe that ______.
A. the old values they have kept to should also change with the advancing society B. they know more because they have experienced much more of life C. young people are good successors to their ideals D. young people should not continue to live the way they did [单选题]福利保障年报NA01“职工福利费用支出本期合计”与财务《 》本年金额合计一致。
A.人工成本情况表 B.福利费支出明细表 C.劳动情况表 D.费用情况表 [判断题]列车故障晚点20分钟,对故障时段的持一日票的乘客,应发放1张赠票
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]药典规定制川乌中乌头碱的含量不得少于( )
A. 0.10% B. 0.20% C. 0.30% D. 1.10% E. 1.20% [单选题]公文区别于其他信息记录的特点是()
A.传播知识 B.具备查考价值 C.书面文字材料 D.具备法定的权威性 [单选题]液压系统中溢流阀控制流量的( )。
A.流量 B.压力 C.方向 D.速度 [单选题] 以下关于机动车登记系统签注内容,不正确的是________。
A.在行驶证副页正面的一维条码左侧签注机动车燃料种类 B.检验合格标志检验机构栏,对于实施安全技术检验的,签注检验机构名称 C.检验合格标志检验机构栏, D.登记证书签满换领,登记证书登记栏签注内容无历史签注信息 [判断题]制冷压缩机的排气压力是1.6Mpa。
A. 白蛋白 B. α1微球蛋白 C. α2巨球蛋白 D. β2微球蛋白 E. β球蛋白 我来回答: 提交