Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) You hear a great many complaints today about the excessive security consciousness of our young people. My complaint is the (1) :in the large organizations especially, there are not enough job opportunities for those young people who need challenge and risk. Jobs in which there is greater emphasis on (2) performance of well-organized duties (3) on imagination especially for the beginner—are to be found, for instance, in the inside jobs (4) banking or insurance, (5) normally offer great job security but not rapid promotion or large pay. The same is (6) most government work, of the railroad industry, particularly in the clerical and engineering branches, and (7) most public (8) . The book keeping and accounting areas, especially in the larger compa
A. same
B. above
C. opposite
D. follows
An abbreviation (缩写词) can be defined as a shortened form of a word or term.
Abbreviations are an attempt to communicate information fast and accurately. But this goal is not always achieved. To many people, particularly to those new to a field, reports and papers sometimes seem to be written in a telegraphic style with abbreviations so interspersed (夹杂) as to make the message almost meaningless. Owing to the lack of a comprehensive dictionary of abbreviations and the diverse definitions of abbreviations among subject areas, it is common practice in most scholarly publications to include in an appendix (目录) at the end of the book a list of the abbreviations used. Another method is to explain the abbreviation to the reader the first time it appears.
Librarians, like everyone else, tend to use abbreviations to save space and time and to eliminate the necessity of repeating words or phrases that are long and complicated. In the library and information science
花朵的红色是热情的色彩,它强烈、奔放、激动,令人精神振奋。红紫烂漫的春天,多么活力充沛,生气蓬勃。“花儿为什么这样红 ”是我们对它的赞叹和歌颂,同时也不妨对它作一科学的解释。 “花儿为什么这样红 ”首先有它的物质基础。不论是红花还是红叶,它们的细胞液里都含有由葡萄糖变成的花青素。当它是酸性的时候,呈红色,酸性愈强,颜色愈红。当它是碱性的时候,呈现蓝色,碱性较强,成为蓝黑色,如墨菊、黑牡丹等。而当它是中性的时候,则是紫色。万紫千红,红蓝交辉,都是花青素在不同的酸碱反应中所显示出来的。 还有“战地黄花分外香”的菊花,“金英翠萼带春寒”的迎春花,都呈黄色。菊科植物除了黄花以外,还有橙色的花。橙色与柑橘、南瓜等果实的颜色相似,而最典型的是胡萝卜,所以表现这种色彩的色素,就被称为胡萝卜素。 至于白花,那是因为细胞液里不含色素的缘故。有些白花,例如菊花,萎谢之前微染红色,表示它这时也含有少量的花青素了。变色的一个特殊例子是添色木芙蓉,早晨初开白色,中午淡红,下午深红,一日三变,愈开愈美丽。又如八仙花,初开白色微绿,经过几天,变成淡红,或带微蓝,它不像添色木芙蓉那样朝开暮落。至于一般的花,大都初开时浓艳,后渐淡褪。 “花儿为什么这样红 ”还需要用物理学原理来解释。太阳光经过三棱镜或水滴的折射,会分成红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫七种颜色。这七种颜色的光波长短不同,红光波长,紫光波短。酸性的花青素会把红色的长光波反射出来,送到我们的眼帘,我们便感觉到是鲜艳的红花。同样,中性的花青素反射紫色的光波,碱性的花青素反射蓝色的光波,胡萝卜素有不同的成分,便分别反射黄色光波或橙色光波。白花不含色素,但组织里面含有空气,会把光波全部反射出来。 |