The media can impact current events. As
a graduate student at Berkeley in the 1960s,I remember experiencing the events
related to the People’s Park that were occurring on campus. Some of these events
were given national media coverage in the press and on TV. I found it
interesting to compare my impressions of what was going on with perceptions
obtained from the news media. I could begin to see events of that time feed on
news coverage. This also provided me with some healthy insights into the
distinctions between these realities. Electronic media are having a greater impact on the people’s lives every day. People gather more and more of their impressions from representations. Television and telephone communications are linking people to a global village, or what one writer calls the electronic city. Consider the information that tele A. media coverage of events as they occur can have either good or bad results B. most people who had seen the video of the Rodney King beating agree with the verdict of the jury C. the1992 Los Angeles riots lasted a whole week D. Rodney king seemed very angry when he appeared on television on Friday [简答题]一辆ATPM模式运行的列车,运行过程中乘客紧急呼叫(一名儿童到站未下车,已和家人走失),查看DDU发现2车受电弓显示未知,2、3车牵引逆变器显黄,4-4L车门处红点闪烁(其他灯、屏均显示正常),如果你是当值司机,请问该如何处理?
A. 杜仲 B. 黄柏 C. 泽泻 D. 知母 E. 车前子 [单选题]桥梁的检定承载系数用( )表示。
A.G B.R C.Q D.K [单选题] 律师甲在代理一起民事诉讼案件时编造了一份对自己代理的一方当事人有利的虚假证言,指使证人李某背熟以后向法庭陈述,致使本该败诉的己方当事人因此而胜诉。甲构成( )。
A.伪证罪 B.妨害作证罪 C.辩护人妨害作证罪 D.帮助伪造证据罪 [单项选择]汽车按揭贷款客户贷记卡申请主体资格要求客户近6个还款期内不能连续逾期()次。
A. 6次 B. 3次 C. 5次 D. 2次 [单选题]站用交流电源系统中具有脱扣功能的低压断路器应设置一定()低压断路器因过载脱扣,应在冷却后方可合闸继续工作
A.提前量 B.延时 C.灵敏度 D.抗干扰能力 [单选题]高速接触网的结构高度一般为( )m。
A.1.3~1.6 B.0.8 C.1.7 D.1.8 [填空题]Proofread the passage as required. Each indicated line contains a maximum of one error. Correct the passage in the following way: for a correct line, put the sign " √" in the corresponding blank; for a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank; for a missingzzpy word, mark the position of the missing word with the sign " ∧ " and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank; for an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with the sign " — "and put the word with the sign " — " in the blank. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.
The world is full of wonderful places, both natural and man-made. Easter Island lays in the south-eastern Pacific Ocean, about 3,600 81.______ kilometers west of mainland Chile. The island is called Easter Island because of it was discovered on Easter Sunday in 1772 by Dutch 82.______ explorer Jacob Roggeveen. Inhabited by Polynesians since 30 [单项选择]小儿虚热证的脉象是()
A. 沉而有力 B. 数而有力 C. 数而无力 D. 浮而无力 E. 迟而有力 [判断题]半自动闭塞区段, 通过色灯信号机显示一个绿色灯光, 表示准许列车按规定速度运行, 运行前方至少有两个 闭塞分区空闲。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2012年美国总统大选中,奥巴马由选民直接选举,当选为美国总统,对国会负责。
[单选题]1.22 ________报废的应当在车辆管理所的监督下解体。
A.营转非车辆 B.出租转非车辆 C.使用性质为"货运"的货车 D.使用性质为"非营运"的轻型、微型货车 [单项选择]Which of the following statements is TRUE
A. There are only a few continuing education classes available for adults. B. Only those who want to get more money should go on with their education. C. People take continuing education classes for different reasons. D. All the people getting continuing education can get a good job. [单项选择]热水管网中不得装阀门的管段为______。
A. 水加热器或贮水罐的冷水供水管上 B. 3个及3个以上配水点的配水支管 C. 每根热水立管上接出的支管 D. 安全阀的泄水管上 我来回答: 提交