The idea that music makes you smarter has received considerable attention from scholars and the media. Current interest in (1) between music and intelligence stems from two independent areas of research. One focuses on short-term effects of (2) listening to music. The other is on a seperate (3) of research, which examines whether music lessons have (4) benefits that extend to non-musical areas of cognition. Such (5) could be unique to children who take music lessons for long periods of time (6) their experiences differ substantially from those of other children. Music lessons (7) long periods of focused attention, memorization of (8) musical passages, learning about a variety of musical structures, and (9) mastery of technical skills and the conventions (10) the expression of emotions in performance. This (11) of experiences could have a positive impact on cognition, particularly du
A. route
B. line
C. ring
D. phase
(76)Concerning money or anything else, conflicts
between husband and wife usually reflect a power straggle. Conflicts between
parent and child often center around the same issue. As children enter
adolescence, they begin to demand greater freedom to go where they please, do
what they please, and make decisions without parental interference. Many
American parents do not know how to deal with their teenagers and seek advice
from books, lectures, and parent gaining courses. Parents want to maintain a
friendly relationship with their teenagers and also want to guide them so that
their behavior will be whatever the parents consider proper and
constructive. But in a society of rapidly changing social and moral values, parents and children often disagree about what is important and what is fight. (77) Arguments may conce A. the adolescents now become timid B. parents come to get along with their children C. the vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents’ values and ideas D. parents and teenager don’ t like to quarrel [判断题]增加轴承比压能够对消除油膜振荡起到一定积极作用。()
[单选题]( )是党的事业取得胜利的重要法宝。
A.统一战线 B.群众路线 C.以经济建设为中心 D.全面建设小康社会 [单选题]二次工作安全措施票一式两份,一份与检修工作票同步使用和保存,另一份在( )交运维人员处保存备查。
A.开工前 B.开工后 C.执行后 D.完工后 [单项选择]一般实验室操作()开启紫外线灯。
A. 必须 B. 不必 C. 永久 D. 永不 [单选题]认证技术不包括()。
A.消息认证技术 B.身份认证技术 C.数字签名技术 D.病毒识别技术 [多选题]《刑法》规定为限制行为能力的人有( )。
A.又聋又哑的人 B.盲人 C.醉酒的人 D.尚未完全丧失辨认或者控制自己行为能力的精神病人 [单选题]《中华人民共和国飞行基本规则》第一百零八条规定,雷达保障应当做到( )
A.及时、准确、连续地测定和通报空中航空器的位置; B.严密监视航空器按照预定的航路、航线、飞行空域和高度飞行,及时发现和报知航空器偏离航路、航线、改变飞行高度和超出飞行空域的情况 C.当获知空中有迷航、遇险的航空器时,应当组织有关雷达重点观察,迅速判明迷航、遇险的航空器及有关情况 D.以上全是 [填空题]千分表主要用于校正、测量或检查精密零件的()偏差和()偏差。
[单选题]客服系统及设备设施故障登记的保管期限为( )。
A.1年 B.3年 C.5年 D.长期 [单选题]在全国三年道路运输安全整治中,要建立治超信息监管系统,严格落实治超( )措施,深化“百吨王”专项整治,2022年基本消除货车非法改装、“大吨小标”等违法违规突出问题。
A.一超一罚; B.一超二罚; C.一超三罚; D. 一超四罚。 [简答题]1. 基建项目管理制度体系
2. 基建项目管理方法
3. 基建项目进度管理
4. 基建项目指导工期
5. 工程设计管理
[单选题]混凝土温度达到( )℃ 时,强度几乎消失。[难]
A. .800—900 B. .100—300 C. .300—400 D. .600—700 [判断题]总分类账户与明细分类账户是对同一交易或事项的内容进行分层次核算而设置的账户。 ( )
A. 督脉 B. 任脉 C. 冲脉 D. 带脉 E. 阴维脉 [单选题]电压互感器二次侧不能()。
A.开路 B.短路 C.接地 [单项选择]下列腧穴,不属于足太阴脾经的是:
A. 隐白 B. 公孙 C. 阳陵泉 D. 三阴交 E. 血海 [单项选择]微需氧菌在固体培养基表面生长时需要含CO2浓度的气体条件是()。
A. 0%~1%CO2 B. 1%~2%CO2 C. 2%~5%CO2 D. 5%~10%CO2 E. 10%~20%CO2 [单选题]长期大量应用阿司匹林引起出血应选用何药治疗( )
A.维生素C B.维生素K C.维生素B12 D.维生素A E.维生素E [单选题]男性,60岁,因急性心肌梗死收入院。住院第2天心尖部出现2/6~3/6级粗糙的收缩期杂音,间断伴喀喇音,经抗缺血治疗后心脏杂音消失。该患者最可能的诊断为
A.心脏乳头肌功能失调 B.心脏乳头肌断裂 C.心脏游离壁破裂 D.心脏二尖瓣穿孔 E.心室壁膨胀瘤 [填空题]( )组织形式能够实现集中领导、职责清楚,但部门间横向联系差,信息传递路线长。
A. 脾 B. 胃 C. 肝 D. 肠 E. 胆 [多选题]下列说法错误的是( )。
A.投保机构应当按照存款保险基金管理机构的规定,每年交纳一次保费。 B. 存款保险基金管理机构在对投保机构核查中发现的重大问题,无需告知银行业监督管理机构。 C. 存款人有权要求存款保险基金管理机构在本条例规定的限额内,使用存款保险基金偿付存款人的被保险存款。 D. 存款保险基金管理机构应当依照《存款保险条例》的规定,在前款规定情形发生之日起7个工作日内足额偿付存款。 [填空题]( )制定的( ),是世界上第一部宪法典
[简答题]02-22 06:14:21.445 17609 18715 W
[多选题]乘客信息系统车载设备年检需准备的工器具及材料有( )。
A.抹布 B.笔记本电脑 C.禁动牌 D.存储介质 [单项选择]
Text 2 "Worse than useless," fumed Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, on March 19th, when the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the Immigration and Naturalization Service. "Terrible, and getting worse," added Zoe Lofgren, a Democratic colleague who has kept a watchful eye on the INS for ten years. Committee members lined up to take swings at James Ziglar, the head of the INS. He explained, somewhat pathetically, that "outdated procedures" had kept the visa-processing wheels grinding slowly through a backlog of applications. He also had some new rules in mind to tighten up visas. Speeding up the paperwork -- and getting more of it on to computers -- is vital, but the September attacks have exposed the tension between the agency’s two jobs: on the one hand enforcing the security of America’s borders, and on the other granting privileges such as work permits to foreigners. But other people want more radi 我来回答: 提交