One of the most difficult things to do
is to express ideas so clearly in writing or in speaking that they are always
perfectly understood. It is hard to express ideas. It is not{{U}} (36)
{{/U}}to find the words{{U}} (37) {{/U}}express a meaning exactly.
{{U}} (38) {{/U}}is it easy to put words together in{{U}} (39)
{{/U}}a way as to present ideas connectedly{{U}} (40) {{/U}}in a
logical manner. Serious misunderstanding frequently{{U}} (41)
{{/U}}because the wrong word is used{{U}} (42) {{/U}}because{{U}} (43)
{{/U}}meaning than{{U}} (44) {{/U}}is intended has been accepted.
The person{{U}} (45) {{/U}}possesses this ability has{{U}} (46)
{{/U}}of the essential qualities{{U}} (47) {{/U}}a leader. To be
able to do so{{U}} (48) {{/U}}long, hard study and practice. A. arouses B. arises C. raises D. comes [多项选择]取样后应及时转移,其转移过程()。
A. 应能防止污染 B. 应能便于保管 C. 不得影响样品质 D. 可以保证质量 [单选题]下列影视剧情景设计符合历史常识的是( )。
A.燕子丹与荆轲分坐八仙桌两侧,秉烛夜谈,谋划赴咸阳刺杀秦王计划 B.毛泽东与李宗仁幽默地说:德邻先生,你这次归国,是误上了贼船啊 C.魏征劝谏李世民时,说道:陛下当先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 D.越王勾践兵败后给吴王差夫当奴仆,以红薯充饥,每晚则睡在柴垛上 [多项选择]在焊接过程中,热裂纹可看成是()联合作用而形成的。
A. 氢 B. 淬硬组织 C. 拉应力 D. 低熔点共晶 E. 白铸铁组织 F. 氮 [判断题]厚煤层分层开采时,首先开采的煤层瓦斯涌出量小。(0.08分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对变异型心绞痛疗效最好的药物是()
A. 硝酸甘油 B. 普萘洛尔 C. 硝苯地平 D. 硫氮革酮 E. 维拉帕米 [单项选择]患者有偏瘫、偏身感觉障碍和偏盲,最可能由下述哪条血管闭塞引起()
A. 大脑前动脉 B. 大脑中动脉 C. 大脑后动脉 D. 内听动脉 E. 脊髓前动脉 [单选题]㠋(L)25kV非陶瓷绝缘子伞裙剥离等表面缺陷:同一叶片上有1处缺陷时,不大于叶片面积()%;有2处缺陷时,均不大于叶片面积()%。
A.10;5 B.20;10 C.8;4 D.6;3 [单选题] STM-N的复用方式是( )。
A.异步复用 B.同步复用 C.码速调整 D.码速变换 我来回答: 提交