Sally Kristen Ride was born on May 26,
1951 in Los Angeles, California. At the {{U}} (36) {{/U}} of ten, Dr.
Ride began to play tennis and became an excellent tennis player. She
{{U}} (37) {{/U}} a tennis scholarship to Westlake School for
{{U}} (38) {{/U}} in Los Angeles. After her {{U}} (39) {{/U}}, she
enrolled in Swarthmore College and {{U}} (40) {{/U}} out to become a
{{U}} (41) {{/U}} tennis player. She worked hard {{U}} (42) {{/U}}
her tennis game, but after a few months decided she would {{U}} (43)
{{/U}} tennis. She enrolled at Stanford University. Dr. Ride had always been
{{U}} (44) {{/U}} in Math and Science and eventually {{U}} (45)
{{/U}} her doctorate degree in Physics. Dr. Ride saw an {{U}} (46)
{{/U}} in the Stanford University paper about NASA {{U}} (47) {{/U A. item B. assignment C. exam D. advertisement [简答题]多选:新线介入需要设置()
[填空题]出水训练前必须明确停水手势、旗语等信号,驾驶员应根据供水指挥员指令实施供水作业,并注意观察,发现停水信号或危险情况( )。
[简答题]02-22 06:12:35.300 17609 18407 I
A. 掌握限制损失和滚动利润 B. 金字塔式买入卖出 C. 灵活运用止损指令 D. 制订交易的计划 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Charter Schools
American public education has changed in recent years.One change is that increasing numbers of American parents and teachers are starting independent public schools _______(1)charter schools(特许学校). In 1991,there were no charter schools in the United States.Today,more than 2,300 charter schools_________(2)in 34 states and the District of Columbia.575,000 students___________(3)these schools.The students are from 5 years of age through 18 or older. A charter school is_________(4)by groups of parents,teachers and community (社区)members. It is similar in some ways__________(5) a traditional public school. It receives tax money to operate just as other public schools do.The_________(6)it receives depends on the number of students.The charter school must prove to local or state governments that its students are learning.These governments____________(7)the school with the agreement,or charter that permits it to operate. Unlike a traditional public school,__________(8),the charter school does not have to obey most laws governing public schools.Local,state or federal governments cannot tell it what to________(9). Each school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to___________ (10)those goals.Class sizes usually are smaller than in many traditional public schools. Many students and parents say _________(11)in charter schools can be more creative. However,state education agencies,local education-governing committees and unions often_________(12)charter schools.They say these schools may receive money badly__________(13)by traditional public schools.Experts say some charter schools are doing well while others are struggling. Congress provided 200 million dollars for________(14)charter schools in the 2002 federal budget(预算).But,often the schools say they lack enough money for their _________(15).Many also lack needed space. _________(13) A.treated B.needed C.earned D.wasted [单选题]关于商品接运,下列说法不正确的是()。
A.仓库接到专用线到货通知后,就确定卸车货位 B.货提单到车站、码头提货时,应根据运单和有关资料认真核对商品 C.仓库接受货主委托直接到供货单位提货时,应在仓库当场验收 D.存货单位将商品直接运到仓库储存时,应由保管员直接与送货人员办交接手续 [单项选择]下列属于新技术方案动态评价方法的是()
A. 增量投资收益率法 B. 综合总费用法 C. 净年值法 D. 折算费用法 [单选题]执法人员需要从有关单位查阅、复制与违法活动有关的合同、发票、账册、单据、记录、文件、业务函电和其他材料的,应当出示县级以上烟草专卖行政主管部门出具的( )。
A.介绍信 B.协助调查通知 C.搜查函 D.协助调查函 [多选题]在控制室或继电保护室进行屏上设备工作时,设置遮栏可在屏内用布帘、贴封条等方式,( )。
A.将定校或试验的设备与其他设备隔开 B.相邻运行中的设备应挂红布 C.相邻运行中的设备可不挂红布 D.将定校或试验的设备与遮盖 [判断题]高速铁路引导接车时,轨道车凭引导信号或调度命令,以不超过20km/h速度进站或通过接车进路,并做好随时停车的准备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]企业无力支付到期银行承兑汇票票款时,应按应付票据的账面金额借记“应付票据”,贷记( )科目。
A. 短期借款 B. 其他应付款 C. 应付账款 D. 资本公积 [填空题]脑膜刺激征包括__________、_________、__________。
[单选题]以下关于清算退出的说法,正确的是( )。
A.清算退出是指股权投资基金通过被投资企业清算实现退出,主要针对投资项目未获得成功的一种退出方式 B.通常由被投资企业大股东或创始股东出资购买股权投资基金持有的企业股份,从而使股权投资基金实现退出的行为 C.清算退出是指股权投资基金通过投资企业清算实现退出,主要针对投资项目未获得成功的一种退出方式 D.清算退出是指股权投资基金通过投资企业清算实现退出,主要针对投资项目获得成功的一种退出方式 [单项选择]Solid fuel rockets are expensive to operate because of their ______.
A. size B. fuel C. construction D. complicated engines [单选题]改革开放以后,党扭住( )这个中心,领导人民埋头苦干,创造出经济快速发展奇迹,国家经济实力大幅跃升。
A.社会建设 B.文化建设 C.政治建设 D.经济建设 [单选题]常用的焊接检验方法有( )几种。
A.1 B.2 C.3 [判断题] 双作用叶片泵均为定量泵,但其流量脉动小,输出压力较高。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]RAMAN放大器就利用了非线性效应中的哪个效应( )
A.自相位调制 B.色散 C.拉曼散射 D.四波混频 [判断题]机械化采煤瓦斯涌出量比爆破采煤时瓦斯涌出量大。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《铁路旅客运输规程》,乘车免费携带品成人20千克、儿童10千克,长、宽、高相加不超过160厘米,乘动车组不超过( )厘米。
A.160 B.150 C.140 D.130 [单项选择]康熙、雍正、乾隆在位时,是清朝的繁荣时期,史称( )。
A. 康乾盛世 B. 康雍乾盛世 C. 康雍盛世 D. 雍乾盛世 [判断题]凡是发生在矿井井下或发生在地面但可能威胁到井下安全生产的火灾称为矿井火灾。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交