{{B}}The Effects of Global
Warming{{/B}} Although the term “global warming” has become increasingly familiar to the general public, a recent survey carried out by the Chinchilla Institute for Environmental Studies clearly demonstrates that the full implications of the term are{{U}} (51) {{/U}} understood. As long as public {{U}} (52) {{/U}} remains so low, the political measures required to deal with the{{U}} (53) {{/U}} disastrous consequences are unlikely to come about. Over 80 percent of the people interviewed in the Chinchilla Survey were unable to indicate any of the effects of a worldwide rise in temperature.{{U}} (54) {{/U}} more disturbing was the very small{{U}} (55) {{/U}} of people interviewed (7.4%)who felt A. result B. remedy C. beginning D. cause [单项选择]下肢骨折引起整个肢体外旋时,其最可能的部位是()。
A. 股骨颈在髋关节囊内骨折 B. 股骨转子间骨折 C. 股骨干骨折 D. 股骨髁部骨折 E. 股骨骨折 [简答题]信用证项下正常交单的要求是什么
[单选题]继电器的( )是用来接通或切断电路的部件,它是继电器的执行机构。
A.衔铁 B.接点 C.轭铁 D.线圈 [多选题]灭火救援员的职业道德规范是()。
A.爱岗敬业,忠于职守 B.关爱生命,救人第一 C.科学施救,安全环保 D.听从指挥,团结协作;英勇顽强、竭诚奉献 [判断题]装表接电是业扩报装全过程的终结,是客户实际取得用电权的标志,也是电力销售计量的开始。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]房地产市场调研的最后一个环节是( )。
A. 编写房地产市场调研大纲 B. 编制房地产市场调研计划 C. 撰写和提高房地产市场调研报告 D. 提出房地产市场调研结论 [填空题] The oldest and simplest method, then, of describing differences in personality was to (36)_________ people according to (37)_________. Such a system is called a Typology. A famous example of this method was (38)_________forth in Greece about the year 400B.C. A (39)_________ named Hippocrates theorized that there were four (40)_________, or humors, in the body: blood, yellow bile(胆汁), black bile, and phlegm (粘液). (41)_________to each humor, there (42)_________a definite type of personality.
A person in whom all four humors were in perfect balance had a (43)_________personality. (44) ______________________________. Someone with too much yellow bile was irritable and easily angered. (45) ______________________________. An oversupply of phlegm caused a human being to be slow and unfeeling.
(46)______________________________. Today, however, personality theories and classifications may also include factors such as heredity, the environment, intelligence, and emotional needs.
[单选题]在遇到特殊情况,民用航空器的机长,为保证民用航空器及其人员的安全( )
A.应当及时向管制单位报告,按照相关规定进行正确处置 B.应当及时向签派或上级领导报告,按照相关规定进行正确处置 C.有权对航空器进行处置 [判断题]I级放射性物品行李车内不得与感光器材以及活动物配装,与食品配装需要离开2米以上的距离。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]会计人员继续教育的特点有( )。
A. 客观性 B. 适应性 C. 针对性 D. 灵活性 [单项选择]不同地区的销售代表与公司的销售经理之间构成的沟通是()。
A. 轮状沟通 B. 链状沟通 C. 环状沟通 D. 交错型沟通 [填空题]块体的厚度越_________、抗压强度越_________,砂浆的抗压强度越_________,则砌体的抗压强度越高。
A.既可以减刑,也可以假释 B.可以减刑,但不能假释 C.不能减刑,但可以假释 D.既不能减刑,也不能假释 [单项选择]目前NAS设备中的存储部件一般是()。
A. 硬盘 B. 内存 C. 闪存 D. CPU [单选题]锁闭的调车进路有部分进路使用道岔单锁或只有光带锁闭无( )时用语为“…调车进路 好(了)”,如原路返回、压信号折返等情况。
A.调车信号 B.调车进路 C.调车进路(信号) D.信号开放 [单项选择]下列关于型号为WNS4.2-1.0/115/70-Q的锅炉说法正确的是()。
A. 供热量4.2MW B. 产生的介质压力4.2MPa C. 锅炉外形尺寸4.2m D. 蒸发量4.2t/h 我来回答: 提交