Three men got to Dover station a few minutes after nine o’clock one evening. They asked a guard, "What time is the next train for London"
The guard said, "You’ve just missed one. A train goes every hour. The next one is at ten o’clock."
"That’s all right," they said, "We’ll go and have a drink." So off they went to a bar (酒吧间). A minute or two after ten o’clock they came running and asked the guard, "Has the train gone"
"Yes," the guard said. "It went at ten, as I told you. The next one is at eleven o’ clock."
"That’s all right," they said again. "We’ll go and have another drink." So they went back to the bar.
They missed the eleven o’ clock train in the same way. Then the guard said, "Now, the next train is the last one. If you miss that train, you won’t get to London tonight."
A. they had a drink
B. they went to the bar
C. the train left too soon
D. they left the bar too late
Trying to Find a Partner One of the most striking findings of a recent poll in the UK is that of the people interviewed, one in two believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with. Why are many finding it increasingly difficult to start and sustain intimate relationships Does modem fife really make it harder to fall in love Or are we making it harder for ourselves It is certainly the case today that contemporary couples benefit in different ways from relationships. Women no longer rely upon partners for economic security or status. A man doesn’t expect his spouse to be in sole charge of running his household and raising his children. But perhaps the knowledge that we can live perfectly we A. The health condition of his or her grandmother. B. The geographical environment. C. The social convention. D. The family tradition. [判断题]( )色谱柱的填装是有方向性的。
A.正确 B.错误 流传下来的东汉王充的一部著作是什么?
A. 最小费用法 B. 费用现值法 C. 投资回收期法 D. 费用年值法 E. 净现值法 [单项选择]某一社区针对吸烟人群准备实施戒烟的健康教育计划进行评价,下列属于效应评价的是()
A. 在项目中运用的干预策略和活动 B. 吸烟人群对干预活动的满意程度 C. 吸烟人群的各种基本特征 D. 吸烟人群对各种干预措施的看法 E. 干预后吸烟人群健康行为是否发生改变 [单项选择]有关风湿病基本病理变化的描述哪项是错的
A. 心脏组织细胞,吞噬纤维素样坏死,形成阿少夫细胞 B. 典型病变有变质、渗出、增生等变化 C. 典型风湿小体提示有风湿活动 D. 免疫组化检测Vimentin阳性 E. 风湿细胞即风湿小体 [单选题]特级化学防护服在使用中说法错误的是:( )
A.避免在太阳下曝晒,严禁裸露贮存,应室内存放 B.一旦本服装在染有军用生化毒剂的事故现场使用后,可以保留再次使用 C.穿着本服装退出事故现场,需脱下本服装前,必须经过严格冲洗洗消 D.避免与油、酸、碱等易燃、易爆物品或化学品混装 [多选题]共用题干
A.法律原则 B.法律规则 C.法律概念 D.法律条文 [单选题]精车时加工余量较小,为提高生产率,应选择( )大些。
A.A、进给量 B.B、切削速度 C.C、切削量 D.D、进给速度 [判断题]在我国,系统零序电抗X0与正序电抗X1的比值是大接地电流系统与小接地电流系统的划分标准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]分布式控制系统?
A. 国务院 B. 国务院建设行政主管部门 C. 地方政府建设行政主管部门 D. 国家安全生产监督管理局 [单选题]接车方向单置调车信号机按钮作为发车方向调车进路变通按钮时,其AJ用( )作为励磁条件之一。[332000000]
A.KF-共用-Q B.KF-DFJ-Q C.KZ-列共-DJJ-Q D.KZ-列共-DFJ-Q [填空题]Check, draw, rate of exchange, commission, endorse, subject to, current, guaranted, participate, denominations
A person who has a (21) account with a bank can obtain cash in other countries in various ways. The most common method is the purchase of travellers cheques. He can also use his Eurocheque card as identification to (22) his cheques. Or he can (23) on his account in his own country, which means that the cashier will have to telephone, cable, or telex his branch for confirmation. He will have to (24) the cheque, that is’ write his signature on the back. Most of the major banks in Europe (25) in the Eurocheque scheme. When cashier handle travellers cheques, they must (26) that the counter signature is the same as the signature. The holder must then produce his passport as identification. When the formalities are completed, the cashier can issue banknotes and coins to the customer, u [单选题]测量机房噪声时,下列说法错误的是( )。
A.5m高、距曳引机1.0m处进行测量 B.测量点不少于3点 C.取平均值不大于80dB为合格 D.取最大值不大于80dB为合格 [单选题]“橘生淮南为橘,生于淮北则为枳”,这说明作物生长具有( )
A.季节性 B.周期性 C.波动性 D.地域性 [单选题] 固体可燃物燃烧而引起的火灾是()。
A.A类火灾 B.B类火灾 C.C类火灾 D.D类火灾 [多项选择]服务项目合同的主要内容包括()。
A. 责任和保险 B. 特殊规定 C. 咨询服务方的义务 D. 客户的义务 E. 定义和解释 [单项选择]在我国,高血压病最常见的并发症是()。
A. 尿毒症 B. 高血压危象 C. 心力衰竭 D. 主动脉夹层 E. 脑血管意外 [单项选择]最佳学习效果的过度学习需达到()。
A. 50% B. 50%―100% C. 100% D. 100%―150% [多项选择]采集大便标本的正确做法是
A. 潜血标本采集前3天禁食肉、肝、血类食物 B. 检查寄生虫卵应留取全部粪便 C. 查阿米巴原虫时便盆要加温 D. 细菌培养标本用无菌竹签取 E. 做血吸虫孵化检查留全部粪便 [单项选择]男性,因交通事故致脾破裂,入院时血压为80/60 mmHg,脉搏120次/分,神志尚清,口渴,肤色苍白,尿少。估计失血量为:()
A. 100~300 ml B. 400~600 ml C. 800~1 600 ml D. 1 800~2 000 ml E. 2 000 ml以上 [单项选择]
It is interesting to observe the way in (61) children so often react against their parents’ ideas, while at the same time (62) their parents’ characteristics. That is to say, the children grow up to (63) different views from their parents, yet to have (64) personalities. There is a (65) going on in the toy world at present over whether children should be (66) to have war toys. I do not believe in encouraging war toys, but I don’t see any (67) in forbidding them when I think of the (68) of my friend Henry. [多项选择]企业制定的产品标准必须报当地()备案。
A. 政府标准化行政主管部门 B. 政府有关行政主管部门 C. 政府工商行政主管部门 D. 当地行业协会 我来回答: 提交