Is Wal-Mart going wobbly Over the past
couple of weeks, America’s largest company--linchpin of the low-wage, no-benefit
economy that is increasingly the norm in America--has announced some surprising
reversals of course. In a series of speeches and interviews, chief executive H.
Lee Scott unveiled four initiatives that he clearly hopes will polish the
company’s increasingly tarnished image. Wal-Mart, he said, will shift to more
environmentally responsible practices--demanding better packaging of its
products. It will offer more affordable health insurance to its employees,
cutting the monthly premium in some cases to just $11. It will monitor the
environmental and health and safety practices of its foreign suppliers. And it
will lobby for a higher federal minimum wage. Scott’s timing is anything but accidental. The sweatshop c A. an accident took place in Wal-Mart’s suppliers’ sweatshop B. Wal-Mart attempts to open stores in the major cities of the Northeast Coast C. a certain union bought 13 percent Wal-Mart’s stock this year D. none of these [单选题]10kV电压等级的电气设备用2500V摇表测量绝缘电阻,阻值应不低于( )属合格。
A.1MΩ; B.2 MΩ; C.6 MΩ; D.10 MΩ。 [单选题]特种作业人员未按规定经专门的安全作业培训并取得相应资格,上岗作业的,责令生产经营单位( )。
A. 限期改正 B. 罚款 C. 停产停业整顿 [填空题]债权人会议的职权包括()、()()。
[多选题]工作许可人应将工作票的( )记入登记簿。
A.工作班成员 B.编号 C.工作任务 D.许可及终结时间 [单选题]2.101.
集中器IP地址设置错误会直接导致集中器无法采集电表数据。 A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]屏蔽服包括上衣、裤子、帽子、()、短袜、鞋等
[单选题]成段更换道床,进行人工捣固作业,施工结束,开通后列车限速的速度阶梯是( )
A.第一列25km/h,第二列45km/h,不少于4h,以后限速60km/h至下次封锁前1h, B.第一列25km/h,第二列45km/h,不少于1h,以后60km/h、80km/h、120km/h各不少于24h,其后正常(允许速度≤120kmh的线路为80km/h,24h后恢复正常 C.第一列15km/h,第二列25kmh,第三列45k/h,不少于4h,以后限速60kmh至下次封锁前1h D.第一列15km/h,第二列25km/h,第三列45km/h,不少于4h,以后60km/h80km/h、120km/h各不少于24h,其后正常 [单选题]2.125.
电流互感器正常工作中,当一次侧电流增加时,互感器的工作磁通( )。 A.增加 B.基本不变 C.减少 D.不确定 我来回答: 提交