The struggle against malnutrition and
hunger is as old as man himself, and never across the face of our planet has
outcome been more in doubt. Malnutrition caused much suffering to an estimated
400 million to 1.5 billion of the world’s poor. Even in the wealthy US poverty
means undernourishment for an estimated ten to twenty million. Hardest hit are
children, whose growing bodies demand two and a half times more protein, pound
for pound, than those of adults. Nutrition experts estimate that 70 percent of
the children in low-income countries are affected. Badly shaped bodies tell the tragic story of malnutrition. Medical science identifies two major types of malnutrition which usually occur in combination. The first, kwashiorkor (恶性营养不良), is typified by the bloated look. The opposite of what we associate with starvation. A A. look like old men and lose their appetite B. have extremely thin arms and legs, but big bellies, and they will easily get angry at small things, and they may suffer from brain damage C. have extremely thin arms and legs, but big bellies D. have long, thin faces like old men, and feel hungry all the time [简答题] 消防车驾驶员应具有 以上驾驶执照,两年以上驾龄
[判断题] 生产经营单位的主要负责人未履行安全生产法规定的安全生产管理职责,导致发生一般事故的,处上一年年收入百分之三十的罚款。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者,女性,60岁。因贲门癌入院拟行手术治疗。患者出现进食后梗噎感、轻微的胸骨后疼痛。护士进行饮食护理时给予的饮食指导,错误的是
A.不吃霉变的食物 B.戒烟酒 C.不吃烫食和粗硬的食物 D.高热量饮食 E.低蛋白饮食 [单项选择]热证多见的脉象是
A. 浮脉 B. 沉脉 C. 数脉 D. 迟脉 E. 涩脉 [判断题]气质是天生的。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交