Many people are worried about what
television has done to the generation of American children who have grown up
watching it. For one thing, recent studies show that TV weakens the ability to
imagine. Some teachers feel that television has taken away the child’s ability
to form mental pictures in his own mind, resulting in children who cannot
understand a simple story without pictures. Secondly, too much TV too early
usually causes children to be removed from real-life experiences. Thus, they
grow up to be passive watchers who can only respond to action, but not start
doing something actively. The third area for such a worrying situation is the
serious dissatisfaction frequently expressed by school teachers that children
show a low patience for the pains in learning. Because they have been used to
seeing results of all problems in 30 or A. Children suffer from mental pains. B. Children spend little time learning unknown things. C. Children become uninterested in class activities. D. Children are weak at facing difficulties. [单项选择]活动排序的工具和技术有多种。工具和技术的选取由若干因素决定。如果项目经理决定在进度计划编制中使用子网络模板,这个决策意味着 (35) 。
A. 该工作非常独特,在不同的阶段需要专门的网络图 B. 在现有的网络上具有可以获取的资源管理软件 C. 在项目中包含几个相同或几乎相同的内容 D. 项目中存在多条关键路径 [判断题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)建造师职业资格考试合格后,即可以建造师的名义执业。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]二手住房按揭贷款客户发展目标是什么?
[单选题]-E-D-001 4 2 1
凡用于电气连接的所有零件应进行短路电热循环试验,冲击时间为()。 A.3s B.2s C.0.5s D.1s [多项选择]合理组织运输生产活动的主要形式包括( )。
A. 产销平衡运输 B. 解体运输 C. 直达运输 D. “四就”直拨运输 E. 集装运输 [单项选择]不属于胃切除术后患者的饮食治疗的是()。
A. 少量多餐 B. 干稀分食 C. 限制碳水化合物 D. 严格控制脂肪的摄入量 E. 扩大可用食物的范围 [单选题]课外活动的基本组织形式是( )。
A.个体活动 B.小组活动 C.年级活动 D.群众性活动 [单项选择]In New York, there is now a school with no daily lessons, no class teachers... 41 a school building! The ‘school’ is a new project. It is called ‘City-as-School’ and the name means just that: the city itself is the place where 350 students, between the ages of 15 and 18,learn their lessons.
Students choose 42 of work which 43 them and then they help to do that work.. For instance, one girl spends her week in the offices of a Congresswoman—an elected official—helping the public 44 problems such as pensions, housing, etc. Then she goes to help in a theatre for a day and she spends one day a week 45 first-year courses at college.
City-as-School is six years old. The education system in New York 46 it now, as an alternative to final years at school. But can it 47 ordinary lessons Well, students have to pass maths and science exams 48 they enter the ‘school’. These subjects are not easy to provi
A. taking B. to take C. take D. takes [单项选择]栈和队列的共同特点是( )。
A. 都是先进先出 B. 都是先进后出 C. 只允许在端点处插入和删除元素q D. 没有共同点 [单选题]《南昌客运段安全生产委员会和月度安全生产例会工作制度》建立健全运输安全定期分析机制,定期( )全段运输安全情况,研判安全形势,形成分析报告
A.分析统计 B.分析 C.统计分析 D.统计 [多选题] 【注册消防工程师应当严格遵守有关()、()和()、(),恪守职业道德和执业准则,增强服务意识和社会责任感,不断提高专业素质和业务水平。--《注册消防工程师管理规定》第六条】
A.法律 B.法规 C.国家标准 D.行业标准 [单选题]遇临时降雪,由其组织人员及时赶到车站,到达指定地点的时间应在站段()中进行明确
A.分工协议 B.除雪协议 C.上道协议 D.道岔协议 [多选题]根据《出境入境管理法》的规定,对下列外国人可以处限期出境的有( )。
A.在中国读大学时私自从事网店模特工作,且拒不接受查处的乌拉圭人劳拉 B.在中国参与打架斗殴行为的外国人蒙托 C.在中国境内组织宗教组织并积极传教的外国人克里 D.在中国非法居留了一段时间的外国人凯拉 [多项选择]供应商评价是一项应该经常进行的工作,该工作的频率取决于:()
A. 采购品项的类型 B. 供应市场的变化情况 C. 公司领导的意愿 D. 公司的运作情况 E. 与供应商的关系 [单项选择]制动杠杆孔距须符合现车车型制动倍率的要求。孔距偏差大于()mm时,拆除原衬套,堵焊并加工圆销孔后镶套。
A. 1mm B. 2mm C. 3mm D. 4mm [判断题]VRV(多联机系统)中央空调可作为楼宇空调用能优化推广的目标客户。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]PON系统通过( )实现一点对多点网络结构。
A.OLT B.POS C.光交箱 D.光纤分纤箱 [判断题]基层组织是有关犯罪和社会治安问题信息最广泛、最直接、最敏感的来源。( )
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