A person may have an idea about himself
that will prevent him from doing good work. He may have the idea that he is not
capable of it. A child may think he is stupid because he does not understand how
to make the most of his mental faculties, or he may accept another person’s
mistaken estimate of his ability. Older people may be handicapped by the
mistaken belief that they are incapable of learning anything new because of
their age. A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real effort, because he feels that it would be useless. He won’t go at a job with the confidence necessary for success. He is therefore likely to fail, and the failure will strengthen his belief in his incompetence. Alfred Adler, a famous doctor, had and experience which illustrates this. When he was a small boy he got off to a poor s A. make no real efforts B. fail to go at a job C. show a complete lack of confidence D. all of the above [单项选择] In the interest of lightness of weight, everything you carry in your pack should serve as many purposes as possible. Clothing and sleeping gear constitute the greatest amount of bulk in your pack and probably the most weight. Thus, you should choose clothes and sleeping gear with a great deal of versatility in mind. Get the maximum use from the various items of clothing and sleeping gear and combinations of them.
For example, instead of two pairs of long pants, carry one pair of long pants and a pair of shorts. You can wear the shorts alone, or the long pants alone, or both at the same time.
The same with shirts. Instead of one heavy shirt, carry two medium-weight shirts-one with long sleeves, one with short sleeves. Carry two light-weight wool, sweaters instead of a heavy sweater or jacket. Even better, carry a light-weight wool sweater and a wind shell. This gives you three possibilities: sweater alone, shell alone, sweater and shell together. Additionally, you will be
A. be lightweight B. serve an important purpose C. serve several purpose D. keep the pack warm [简答题]A公司于2007年1月1日从证券市场购入B公司2006年1月1日发行的债券,票面年利率是5%,5年期,按年计提利息,每年1月5日支付上年度的利息,到期日一次归还本金和最后一期的利息。A公司购入债券的面值为1000万元,实际支付的价款是1005.35万元,另外,支付相关费用10万元,A公司将其划分为持有至到期投资,实际利率为6%。
(2) 2009年1月6日,A公司出售该项债券投资的50%,售价为463万元,并将剩余部分重分类为可供出售金融资产。 (3) 2009年2月20日A公司以445万元的价格出售所持有的B公司的债券。(计算结果保留两位小数) [要求] 1.编制2007年1月1日,A公司购入债券时的会计分录。 [单选题]卸扣不得处于吊件的转角处,不得横向受力。()
A.正确 B.错误 C./ D./ E./ F./ [单选题]DJ5501次中的“DJ”读( )。
A.动车 B.动检 C.电检 D.动车检 [判断题] 新水平、新采(盘)区、新工作面设计前,应开展1次专项辨识评估( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列货物中,可以按零担办理的是( )。
A.蜜蜂 B.散装水泥 C.炸药 D.书籍 [填空题]重联/模拟总线模块主要功能是实现()、CAN总线、485总线的接入和电平转换。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]合规管理人员应具备与履行职责相匹配的()
A.资质 B.经验 C.专业技能 D.个人素质 [多项选择]
A. 提倡母乳喂养 B. 羊奶喂养 C. 及时添加蛋黄 D. 及时添加米汤 E. 对早产儿,宜在2个月开始添加铁剂 多吃蔬菜 多进行室外活动 及时断奶 [判断题] 电能质量包括电流、频率和波形的质量。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某地居民用水价格分二级阶梯,户年用水量在0~180(含)吨的水价5元/吨;180吨以上的水价7元/吨。户内人口在5人以上的,每多1人,阶梯水量标准增加30吨。老张家5人,老李家6人,去年用水量都是210吨。问老李家的人均水费比老张家少约多少元?()
A. 12 B. 35 C. 47 D. 60 [单项选择]拔除不能保留的患牙属于牙周病预防的
A. 一级预防的促进健康 B. 二级预防的早期诊断治疗 C. 二级预防的特殊性预防措施 D. 三级预防的防止功能障碍 E. 三级预防的康复 [单项选择]施工图预算的审查步骤是()。
A. 做好准备工作,选择审查方法,审查各项内容 B. 做好准备工作,选择审查方法,调整预算 C. 选择审查方法,综合整理资料,调整预算 D. 准备工作,选择审查方法,审查相应内容,整理并调整定案 [单选题]在( ),各银行可对符合贷款条件的项目出具贷款意向书,一般无权限限制。
A.表明贷款意向后 B.告知客户后 C.项目建议书批准阶段或之前 D.项目建议书批准之后 [判断题] 驾驶人要按照驾驶证载明的准驾车型驾驶车辆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()越活泼,火灾危险性越大。
A.物理性质 B.生物性质 C.化学性质 D.核爆性质 [单项选择]指出下列哪一个排列卤代烃化学反应活泼性的次序是正确的()
A. RI>RBr>RCl B. RCl>RBr>RI C. RBr>RI>RCl D. RI>RCl>RBr E. 不同反应活性顺序不同 [单项选择]心功能按NYHA分级,心功能在Ⅰ、Ⅱ级时其治疗措施是()
A. 应用洋地黄制剂加强心肌收缩力 B. 应用利尿剂减轻心脏前负荷 C. 应用血管扩张剂减轻心脏后负荷 D. 适当休息,避免体力劳动,防治原发病与心力衰竭诱发因素 E. 应用非洋地黄类的正性肌力药物(如多巴胺) [单项选择]有一定的独特疗效,且秘不外传的方为( )
A. 古方 B. 验方 C. 时方 D. 秘方 E. 经方 [判断题]某人在施工现场被狗咬伤不应算作生产安全事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] [易]目前手机的色阶指数从低到高可分为:最低单色,其次是256色、4096色、65536色、26万色、1600万色。65536色=216,即通常所说的16位真彩色。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]信用社员工纪律处分暂行规定:给予员工处分,由()按照员工管理权限决定。
A. 法院 B. 公安局 C. 管理机构 D. 检察院 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage Three{{/B}}