For most of us, work is the central,
dominating fact of life. We spend more than half our conscious hours at work,
preparing for work, traveling to and from work. What we do there largely
determines out standard of living and to a considerable extent the status we are
accorded by out fellow citizens as well. It is sometimes said that because
leisure has become more important the indignities and injustices of work can be
pushed into a comer; that because work is pretty intolerable, the people who do
it should compensate for its boredom, frustrations and humiliations by
concentrating their hopes on the other parts of their lives. I reject that as a
counsel of despair. For the foreseeable future the material and psychological
rewards which work can provide, and the conditions in which work is done, will
continue to play a vital part in determining the satisfa A. (A) A reduction in the number of strikes. B. (B) Equality in salaries. C. (C) A more equal distribution of responsibility. D. (D) An improvement in moral standards. [单选题]某网吧欲设置在一类高层商住楼的地下一层,其一个厅的面积不应大于( )m2。[易]
A.1000 B.200 C.500 D.400 [判断题]违规制造枪支罪的犯罪主体只能是单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]请编写一个函数unsigned fun (unsigned w),w 是一个大于 10的无符号整数,若w是n(n≥2)位的整数,则函数求出w的后 n-1位的数作为函数值返回。
请勿改动主函数main和其他函数中的任何内容,仅在函数fun 的花括号中填入所编写的若干语句。
#include<conio. h>
#include<stdio. h>
unsigned fun(unsigned w)
main( )
unsigned x;
clrscr ( );
printf("Enter a unsigned integer
number: ");
scanf ("%u",&x);
printf("The original data is:%u/n",x);
if (x<10)
printf ("Data error! ");
printf ("The result :%u/n", fun(x) );
A. 长 B. 短 C. 中等 D. 相等 E. 不等 [多选题]刑罚的功能包括
A.限制或剥夺功能 B.改造功能 C.威慑功能 D.教育功能 我来回答: 提交