"In every known human society the male’s needs for
achievement can be recognized... In a great number if human societies men’s
sureness of their sex role is tied up with their right, or ability, to practice
some activity that women are not allowed to practice. Their maleness in fact has
to be underwritten by preventing women from entering some field or performing
some feat." This is the conclusion of the anthropologist Margaret Mead about the way in which the roles of men and women in society should be distinguished. If talk and print are considered it would seem that the formal emancipation of women is far from complete. There is a flow of publications about the continuing domestic bondage of women and about the complicated system of defences which men have thrown up around their hitherto accepted A. show that men are stronger than women B. carry further the ideas of the earliest paragraphs C. support the first sentence of the same paragraph D. disown the ideas he is expressing [多选题]队友发生( )等紧急情况,必须持续采取心肺复苏等针对性急救措施,送医途中必须安排人员随车护送,持续急救,严禁中断急救。
A.骨折 B.触电 C.溺水 D.窒息 [单项选择]按照道路旅客运输企业等级条件的要求,三级道路客运企业要求营运客车新度系数达到( )以上。
A. 0.65 B. 0.60 C. 0.55 D. 0.50 [多选题]不按照规定请示、报告重大事项,情节较重的,予以( )。
A.警告 B.记过 C.记大过 D.降级或者撤职 [单项选择]以下选项说明彩色多普勒血流显像仪质量好的主要标志是()
A. 灰阶显像分辨率高 B. 能检出低速血流,能抗低频噪音信号 C. 功能多、性能价格比高 D. 具备升级潜能 E. 以上都是 [单选题]支撑拆除时,应配备相应的( )及相关保护措施以防伤人,焊钳与线应连接牢固,电源箱与接地线都不得搭在易爆及带有热源的物体上,电焊机必须“一机、一闸、一漏、一箱”,并装有随机开关,焊外壳必须有良好的接地。
A.钢丝绳 B.安全绳 C.吊带 D.围栏 [多选题]系统启动时蓝屏通常会有以下几种情况造成 ( )
A. 内存条故障 B. 硬盘线接触不良 C. 硬盘工作模式设置不当 D. 某些声卡驱动安装错误 [单项选择]肺虚证,采用“补母泻子法”,应补()。
A. 列缺 B. 太渊 C. 孔最 D. 尺泽 E. 少商 [多选题]
题干:室外消火栓根据其设置方式可分() A.地上式消火栓 B.地下式消火栓 C.单位用室外消火栓 D.城市公共室外消火栓 E.消防水鹤 [多选题]水准测量路线包括 ( )
A.闭合水准路线 B.附合水准路线 C.水平水准路线 D.高差水准路线 E.支水准路线 [判断题]战斗决策和行动方案确定后,下达命令,组织实施是贯彻落实总体决策和行动方案的关键。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]CO中毒的急救护理要点包括:
A.迅速脱离现场,将病患移至通风良好处 B.纠正缺氧 C.改善脑组织代谢,预防脑水肿 D.对症治疗 [多选题]《济南铁路局安全红线管理办法》中规定,安全红线管理,牢固树立( )、( )的理念。
A.发展为本 B.以人为本 C.安全发展 D.平稳发展 [多选题]按照 的要求,加强机关基层党组织书记队伍建设。( )
A. 守信念 B. 讲奉献 C. 有本领 D. 重品行 [单项选择]
A. (A) 382.7kW B. (B) 608.9kW C. (C) 226kW D. (D) 362.7kW [单项选择]Simon’s letter was in such a casual scrawl, and in such pale ink, that it was ______.
A. vague B. ambiguous C. illegible D. obscure [单项选择]None (没有一个) of us will go to play basketball on a snowy morning,______
[多项选择]大龙公司为在我国境内的服装公司,其分公司在甲国境内仿制我国天龙服装公司的服装并大量销往乙国,造成天龙服装公司的产品在乙国销量大减,经济损失很大。对此,我国法院适用法律正确的有( )。
A. 若大龙公司为外国公司,我国法院在受理此案时既可以依据甲国法又可以依据乙国法 B. 若大龙公司为外国公司,我国法院在受理此案时只能依据我国法律 C. 若大龙公司为中国公司,我国法院在受理此案时既可以依据甲国法又可以依据乙国法 D. 若大龙公司为中国公司,我国法院在受理此案时应该依据我国法律 [多选题] 自然循环汽包锅炉低负荷进行时应特别注意燃烧器的运行情况,保持燃烧稳定,( )。不定项选择
A. 投入燃烧器时应尽可能对称 B. 保持良好的火焰位置 C. 提高火焰充满度 D. 改善受热情况 [单项选择]统计工作的基本步骤不包括()
A. 统计设计 B. 搜集资料 C. 分析资料 D. 整理资料 E. 题目的制定 [单选题] 根据离心泵的扬程和流量的性能曲线,随流量增大,扬程( )。
A.下降 B.上升 C.不变 D.先降后升 [单选题]地下建筑火灾扑救应第一时间调集( )装备模块,尽量降低烟气沉降聚集的不利影响。
A.排烟 B. 供水 C. 举高 D. 破拆 [填空题]可见光、不可见光、热辐射及无线电谱等都是电磁波,它们之间的主要差别是()和()不同。
A.时间分辨荧光免疫测定 B.荧光偏振免疫测定 C.荧光酶免疫测定 D.直接荧光抗体染色法 E.间接荧光抗体染色法 [多选题]下列行政处罚决定属于无效行政处罚决定的有
A.不具有行政处罚主体资格的单位 实施的行政处罚 B.超过法定行政处罚种类给予的处 罚 C.超过法定行政处罚幅度给予的处 罚 D.行政执法人员在作出处罚决定前 未告知当事人处罚的事实、理由 及依据的 [单项选择]When steering by autopilot,how often should the steering be checked?()
A. 12 times on each watch B. When time allows C. At least once a watch D. No checking is necessary [单项选择]某社区制定高血压干预规划,提出干预策略,为了实施社区干预,首先对全科医生进行培训,在干预策略中技能培训属于
A. 政策策略 B. 环境策略 C. 社会策略 D. 组织策略 E. 健康教育策略 [单项选择]A number of business people still believe that information is power and constantly question how (31) people need to know. As a result, they tell employees (32) as much as they think is essential (33) them to do particular jobs. Furthermore (34) business people have been taught how to communicate effectively and (35) they communicate very badly at all levels.
Recent research shows that (36) most serious problems experienced by modern businesses are communication ones. Research has also shown that there is a clear link (37) good communication in a business and the motivation of the employees. Newsletters and notices are not (38) It is the attitude and behavior of business managers which (39) all the difference. Unfortunately, at present a lot of employees do not believe all the information they receive from their managers (40) they feel that the managers themselves are out of touch with th A. few B. a few C. the few [判断题]PS640U系列装置所有加速段保护均不带方向。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]可能坠落范围是以作业位置为中心,可能坠落范围半径为半径划成的与水平面垂直的( )空间。
A.方形 B.圆形 C.柱形 [填空题]()为连于胃大弯和横结肠之间的4层腹膜结构。
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