“This is a really exciting time — a new era is starting,” says Peter Bazalgette, the chief creative officer of Endemol. He is referring to the upsurge of interest in mobile television, a nascent industry at the intersection of telecoms and media which offers new opportunities to device-makers, content producers and mobile-network operators. And he is far from alone in his enthusiasm.
Already, many mobile operators offer a selection of television channels or individual shows, which are “streamed” across their third-generation (3G) networks. 41. ______.
Meanwhile, Apple Computer, which launched a video-capable version of its iPod portable music-player in October, is striking deals with television networks to expand the range of shows that can be purchased for viewing on the device, including “Lost”, “Desperate Housewives” and “Law & Order”.
42. ______. For a start, nobody really knows if consu
working life by Maureen Dowd{{/B}} In the world of business, it is not always easy for women to do the same things as mot. Consider the working dinner. In order to do your job well, it’s important to, sometimes see clients and business contacts away{{U}} (29) {{/U}}the office, in a more relaxed atmosphere, you can get to know your business partner{{U}} (30) {{/U}}. In the end, after alt, people do business with people they like. Women start out{{U}} (31) {{/U}}a disadvantage because, unless you’re Nancy Lopez or Martina Navratilova, it’s{{U}} (32) {{/U}}to i [多项选择]暴发调查的总结报告的主要内容包括()。
A. 暴发的经过 B. 调查人员的健康状况 C. 调查过程及主要表现 D. 采取的措施及效果 E. 经验教训及结论 [单项选择]患者,女性,48岁,双侧口角呈水平状浅皲裂1年,伴有唇炎、舌炎和眼内外眦脂溢性皮炎。诊断考虑为()
A. 念珠菌性口角炎 B. 疱疹性口角炎 C. 球菌性口角炎 D. 创伤性口角炎 E. 毒物性口角炎 F. 营养不良性口角炎 G. 接触性口角炎 [单项选择]既有统计资料分析的对象是()
A. 现实资料 B. 其他研究者和机构收集的资料 C. 政府部门和其他机构的统计资料 D. 个人资料 [单项选择]结合自身实际工作,或者根据上级指示精神,把对未来一定时期内工作的打算或安排加以书面化、条理化和具体化的一种文书叫做()
A. 计划与总结 B. 计划与方案 C. 通报与报告 D. 通告与公告 [单项选择]草皮防护的厚度().
A. 5~10cm B. 不宜大于10cm38 C. 不宜小于10cm [填空题]试车线的主要功能是在列车安装及检修完了ATP及ATO车载设备后,在试车线上进行ATP/ATO的()试验。
[单项选择]下面关于计算机的论述,其中错误的是________。 1、第四代计算机以大规模集成电路和超大规模集成电路的使用为主要标志 2、50年来计算机的发展趋势可以概括为:速度更快、功能更多、体积更小、价格更低 3、智能模拟是用计算机模拟人类某些智能行为, 目前最先进的智能机器人已经能够完全取代人脑进行思考 4、计算机信息处理,实质上就是由计算机进行数据处理的过程
A. 1、2 B. 4 C. 3 D. 1、2、4 我来回答: 提交