If an occupation census had been taken in the eleventh century it would probably have revealed that quite 90 percent of the people were country inhabitants who drew their livelihood from farming, herding, fishing or the forest. (46)An air photograph taken at that time would have revealed spotted villages, linked together by unsurfaced roads and separated by expanses of forest or swamp. There were some towns, but few of them housed more than 10,000 persons. (47)A second picture, taken in the mid-fourteenth century would show that the villages had grown more numerous and also more widespread, for Europeans had pushed their frontier outward by settling new areas. There would be more people on the roads, rivers and seas, carrying food or raw materials to towns which had increased in number, size and importance. But a photograph taken about 1450 would reyeal that little further expansion had taken place during the preceding hundred years.
Any attempt to describe
Nearly two thousand years have passed
since a census decreed by Caesar Augustus became part of the greatest story ever
told. Many things have changed in the intervening years. The hotel industry
worries more about overbuilding than overcrowding, and if they had to meet an
unexpected influx, few inns would have a manger to accommodate the weary guests.
Now it is the census taker that does the traveling in the fond hope that a
highly mobile population will stay put long enough to get a good sampling.
Methods of gathering, recording, and evaluating information have presumably been
improved a great deal. And where then it was the modest purpose of Rome to
obtain a simple head count as an adequate basis for levying taxes, now batteries
of complicated statistical series furnished by governmental agencies and private
organizations are eagerly scanned and interprete A. statisticians have not advanced since the days of the Romans B. statisticians love their machines C. statistics is not as yet a science D. the American Statistical Association is 125 years old [单选题] 电信服务质量是电信用户对电信服务性能达到持续的()的综合效果。
A.在网时长 B.满意程度 C.使用年限 D.缴费记录 [单项选择]影响自尊的因素包括( )。
A. 家庭教养方式 B. 行为表现的反馈 C. 活动的性质 D. 参照群体 [单项选择]政府、勘察、设计单位、建设单位都要对工程质量进行控制,按控制的主体划分,政府属于工程质量控制的( )。
A. 自控主体 B. 外控主体 C. 间控主体 D. 监控主体 [单项选择]新公共管理关注的是()
A. 法治 B. 民主 C. 公平 D. 效率 [判断题]易自燃物质事故处置时使用喷雾水枪充分浸湿泄漏物,使用无火花工具协助专业人员筑堤收容和清除残留物。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
This autumn term, spring term, or academic year program offers advanced students an opportunity to improve their spoken arid written Chinese, and to be familiar with a range of people and organizations that are helping to shape China’s relationship with the United States and the world. All students who take intermediate or advanced Chinese language may take a choice to participate in the Professional Development Program that includes guest lectures by Chinese and foreign professionals on areas such as politics, foreign affairs, economics, trade, media, art and culture. This program is supplemented by field trips and short journeys in and around Beijing. [单项选择]根据统计,( )是索赔的主要起因。
A. 合同错误 B. 工程变更 C. 工程环境变化 D. 不可抗力因素 [单选题]对于防异物检查单、登记表等防异物相关的表单,下列说法正确的有( )
A.专业可以进行适应性修改,但不能违反上游程序FME相关要求。 B. 必须使用程序中的最新版表单,不容许更改。 C. 使用自己专业对应通用表单就可以。 D. 没有什么特殊要求,满足工作需求就行。 [单选题]中间站因装卸车对货位等情况,不能将停留车辆连挂在一起时,应分组( )。
A.放置铁鞋 B.拧紧手闸 C.做好防溜措施 D.放置止轮器 [判断题]2.41 驾驶培训学校、驾驶培训班应当严格按照国家有关规定,对学员进行道路交通安全法律、法规、驾驶技能的培训,确保培训质量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]刃磨刨刃时在磨石上前推后拉,始终保持水平直线运动,一般刨刃楔角为()。刨硬木楔角稍大刨软木楔角稍小。
A. 25°—35° B. 10°—15° C. 15°—25° D. 35°—45° 我来回答: 提交