Passage 2
Questions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbyists raise pets, build model ships, or carve soap figures, They watch birds, hunt animals, climb mountains, raise flowers, fish, ski, skate, and swim. Hobbyists also paint paint pictures, attend concerts and plays, and perform on musical instruments. They collect everything from books to butterflies, and from shells to stamps.
People take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment, friendship, knowledge, and relaxation. Sometimes they even produce financial profit. Hobbies help people relax after periods of hard work, and provide a balance between work and play. Hobbies also offer interesting activities for persons who have retired. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can follow a satisfying hobby, regardless of his age, position, or income.
Text 2 Of all the varieties of music which fill our concert halls, theaters, and nightclubs, only jazz is native ’American music. Symphonies and concertos, the ancestors of movie and television scores as well as of ’serious’ or ’legitimate’ electronic music, were first composed in Germany. Musical comedies descended from opera, which was first performed in Italy. And our ever- popular nightclub singers are the musical heirs of the French singers of chansons. The one form of music which did not originate in Europe and which is popular today worldwide is jazz. Jazz was born in New Orleans, the child of the Blacks. It drew on the rhythms as well as the emotionalism of the African music of the’ Black ancestors, which had been transformed into ragtime and the blues. Improvisation was an indispensable element. Musicians were permitted, in solo performance, plenty of freedom to play in whatever variations just as their creative mood happened to
A. rock stars asking us to take our stand on political issues
B. rock stars helping our society to form its code of ethics
C. rock stars revealed their own problems and their social attitudes
D. giving a clear definition to the words'.beliefs' and' feelings'
案例八: 一般资料:求助者,男性,24岁,硕士研究生。 案例介绍:求助者是一所名牌大学的硕士研究生,成绩优异,准备去国外攻读博士学位。让他没想到的是,他的女友坚决反对其出国留学,希望和他早点组织家庭,不想两地分隔。几个月前,求助者和女友发生了激烈的争吵,两人随即陷入冷战,求助者很苦恼。随后得知自己留学申请未被接受,无奈之下只能参加本校的博士生入学考试,但由于准备不足,未能考取。 最近两个多月来,求助者一直郁郁寡欢,心情烦躁,注意力不集中,记忆力下降,学习效率明显下降,连硕士论文也只是勉强完成。借故不与同学、朋友交往,甚至连毕业聚餐都没有参加。导师担心他一直这样消沉下去,劝说他来寻求心理帮助。 心理咨询师观察、了解到的情况:求助者在知识分子家庭长大,自小学习成绩优异,争强好胜,追求完美。