案例六: 一般资料:求助者,女性,22岁,大学生。 案例介绍:求助者最近总用尺子量腿,变得爱发脾气,自感心情烦躁,不想见人,不想上学。由老师陪同前来求助。 老师反映:该求助者的母亲是舞蹈演员,自幼注意求助者的身材,希望女儿长大后继承母业。求助者自己也从小喜爱舞蹈,现在跃大了虽然没有上舞蹈学校,但是仍然每天练舞,希望保持好身材。但是,近一年来,觉得身体日益沉重,体重也真长了两斤。别人都说这是青春期发胖,还会再胖。因此,每天关注自己的身体变化,觉得腿真的越来越粗,尽管经常用尺子量并没有发现明显变化,仍然坚持测量不可劝说。最近总感觉别人在议论自己腿的变化,并常因此对别人发脾气,事后也觉得别人有议论的自由,没必要发脾气,但就是控制不住。求助者一贯要强、上进、学习成绩好,喜欢别人称赞,在乎他人评价。
{{B}}What’s the right activity for me {{/B}} Whoever you are. there’s an activity for you. And just as getting fitter doesn’t have to mean pushing yourself to the limits of your endurance, you don’t have to be technically brilliant at a particular sport to derive pleasure and health benefits from it. Some people hold back from getting fit because they feel self-conscious about their ability or body and want to find an activity they can do on their own, but organized classes and sports clubs can provide you with support and motivation, as well as a chance to make new friends. If you’re interested in football, hockey or other team sports, for example, many local clubs will have several teams of varying abilities, while there are plenty of aerobics or yoga classes specifica A. It is a kind walking people do in the park. B. It may burn more calories than running. C. People walk so fast that they finally break into a run. D. This kind of walking sets a pace for running. [判断题]暖机过程中¢a从起动时的由大逐渐变小直到怠速所要求的数值为止。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]I think they are dating. They ______ a lot of each other recently.
A. had seen B. had been seeing C. have seen D. have been seeing [判断题]>热量的传递是由温差引起的。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列车是指编成的车列并挂有机车及规定的列车标志
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一、二类集团客户,按照“谁审批,谁领用”的原则,向()申请领用额度。
A. 总行 B. 分行 C. 额度审批部门 D. 公司业务部门 我来回答: 提交