During the 1980s, unemployment and underemployment in some countries were as high as 90 percent. Some countries did not (1) enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing were not (2) . Many of these countries looked (3) the industrial processes of the developed nations (4) solutions.
However, problems cannot always be (5) by copying the industrialized nations. Industry in the developed nations is (6) automated and very expensive.It provides (7) jobs than labor-intensive industrial processes, and highly (8) workers are needed to (9) and repair the equipment.These workers must be trained, (10) , many nations do not have the necessary (11) institutions. Thus, the (12) of importing industry becomes higher. Students must be sent abroad to (13) vocational (职业的) and professional training (14) , just to begin training, the students must learn English, Fren
A. for
B. at
C. on
D. into
Germany’s chimney sweeps—hallowed as bringers of good luck, with their black top hats and coiled-wire brushes— are under attack. Last week the European Commission’s directorate for the internal market revived proceedings against an antiquated German law that protects sweeps against competition. The country’s chimney sweeps enjoy a near-perfect monopoly. Germany is divided into around 8000 districts, each ruled by its own master sweep who usually employs two more sweeps. Although this is a private enterprise, the maintenance and inspection service provided is compulsory and prices are set by the local authority: sweeps cannot stray outside their district, nor can householders change their sweep even if they loathe him. This rule cuts both ways. "There are some customers I can’t stand either," says one Frankfurt sweep.
The rationale is simple: chimney-sweeping and related gas and heating maintenance in Germany are treated as a m
A. Inevitable.
B. Possible.
C. Pessimistic.
D. Optimistic.
Despite much loose talk about the new
global economy, today’s international economic integration is not unprecedented.
The 50 years before the first world war saw large cross-border flows of goods,
capital and people. That period of globalization, like the present one, was
driven by reductions in trade barriers and by sharp falls in transport costs,
thanks to the development of railways and steamships. The present surge of
globalization is in a way, a resumption (恢复) of that previous trend. The earlier
attempt at globalization ended abruptly with the first world war, after which
the world moved into a period of fierce trade protectionism and tight
restrictions on capital movement. During the early 1930s, America sharply
increased its tariffs, and other countries retaliated (报复), making the Great
Depression even greater. The volu A. large cross-border flows of people B. development of railways and steamships C. sharp falls in transport costs D. emergence of network [单项选择]长期医嘱的有效时间是( )
A. 12小时以下 B. 12小时以上 C. 24小时以内 D. 24小时以上 E. 48小时以内 [多选题]存取款一体机记录冠字号码,可以采取以下方式实现:()。
A.加装冠字号码记录模块,对存入或取出的纸币记录冠字号码; B.未加装冠字号码记录模块,对外付出的纸币由清分中心清分并记录冠字号码; C.未加装冠字号码记录模块,对外付出的纸币由网点清分并记录冠字号码。 [简答题]材料一:
? ——摘编自张岂之《中国历史十五讲》?
北宋规定郡长官由文臣担任,长官之外另设“通判”使其互相牵制……除安抚使用武人, 其余都由文臣担任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《新安全生产法》中县级以上各级人民政府应当组织负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门依法编制安全生产权力和责任清单,公开并接受( )监督。
A.A、舆论 B.B、社会 C.C、政府 D.D、国家 [判断题]申请锅炉、管道压力容器考试的焊工需有三年以上焊接工龄。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]发稿时编辑不必做的工作是()。
A. 填写发稿单、图书在版编目(CIP)数据申报单 B. 填写装帧设计单 C. 填写征订单 D. 填写印制任务单 [单选题].单选题下列哪一项证明材料是参加政府采购活动的供应商必须提供的:( )
A.与采购人代表没有近姻亲关系的证明材料 B.与采购代理机构在近三年内没有劳动关系的证明材料 C.参加政府采购活动前五年内在经营活动中没有重大违法记录的证明材料 D.具备履行合同所必需的设备和专业技术能力的证明材料 [单选题]检修作业,若需将栏杆拆除时,应装设( ),并在检修作业结束时立即将栏杆装回。
A.临时遮栏 B. 固定遮栏 C. 安全警示牌 D. 安全警示灯 [判断题]钳工“三检”指的是自检、互检、专检。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]John Milton was a great ______ in English literary history.
A. essayist B. poet C. playwright D. novelist [单项选择]()是世界最主要珠宝首饰加工中心、世界第三黄金贸易中心.
A. 德国 B. 香港 C. 日本 D. 英国 [单选题]与气的生成密切相关的脏是( C)
A. 心肝脾 B. 肺肝肾 C. 肺脾肾 D. 肝脾肾 E. 心肺肾 [单选题]对骨盆的性别差异描述正确的是
A.男性骨盆呈漏斗状 B.女性骨盆耻骨下角为700~750 C.男性骨盆耻骨下角为800~1000 D.女性骨盆窄而长 E.男性骨盆宽而短 [多选题]多功能水枪射流有哪几种形式?()。( )
A.直流 B.喷雾 C.开花 D.洪水 我来回答: 提交