Venice Film Festival is annually held
in September in Venice, Italy. Founded by the propaganda ministry of
Italian dictator Mussolini in 1932, the Venice Festival is the world’ s oldest
international film festival and one of the most prestigious. The program
typically presents a competitive selection of around fid hims, all released
exclusively in their country of origin and not entered in any other European
festival. Internationally renowned for maintaining rigorous artistic
standards, the Venice Festival awards some of the film Industry’ s most
distinguished prizes, especially the Golden Lion award for the best film.
The Venice Festival’ s focus on presenting A. a bit less commercial B. much more commercial C. as commercial as others D. the least commercial [单项选择]甲乙成立中外合资经营企业,注册资本为1000万美元,其中外国合营者认缴出资额400万美元,中国合营者认缴出资额为600万美元。如果合营企业合同约定分期缴付出资,则外国合营者第一期交付的出资额应不低于( )万美元。
A. 45 B. 60 C. 100 D. 200 [单项选择]Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify (61) a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are (62) of that parent. The things parents do and say—and the (63) they do and say to them—strongly influence a child’s (64) .
A parent’s actions (65) affect the self image that a child forms (66) identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their (67) will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. Children who observe chiefly (68) qualities in their parents will have difficulty (69) positive qualities in themselves. Children may (70) their self image, however, as they become increasingly (71) by peer groups. In the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the (72) of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it. Children interpret such A. luckily B. for example C. at most D. theoretically [单选题]患者,女性,80岁。风湿性心脏病、心力衰竭,用地高辛、氢氯噻嗪治疗过程中出现气促加重,心电图示:室性期前收缩二联律。下列治疗错误的是( )
A.停用地高辛 B.补钾 C.停用氢氯噻嗪 D.加用呋塞米 E.加用利多卡因 [判断题]错误办理行车凭证发车:司机起动列车,定机务单位全部责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]T形接头平角焊时,焊条电弧应偏向( )一边,以保证焊接质量。
A.厚板 B.薄板 C.立板 D.小平板 [单项选择]
Text 1 [填空题]调车信号机,可用()灯光代替蓝色灯光
A.拟订产品应急方案 B.组织协调资金兑付 C.更改投资策略方案 D.调整运作方式,最大程度降低损失 [单选题]贮气罐与空气压缩机之间应装设( )阀。
A. 调节阀 B. 节流阀 C. 逆止阀 D. 安全阀 [判断题]/909 判断题.危险化学品性质或消防方法相互抵触,以及配装号或类项不同的危险化学品不能装在同一车、船内运输。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对于受到撤销党内职务以上(含撤销党内职务)处分的,应当在 内办理职务、工资、工作及其他有关待遇等相应变更手续。( )
A.处分决定作出当月 B.一周 C.一个月 D.三个月 [填空题] 在道岔动作杆附近或在基本轨之间进行检修,清扫工作时,应在道岔尖轨第一连接杆处尖轨与基本轨间放入 。
A. 一般风险 B. 较小风险 C. 较大风险 D. 严重风险 我来回答: 提交