Fried foods have long been frowned
upon. Nevertheless, the skillet is about our handiest and most useful piece of
kitchen equipment. Stalwart lumberjacks and others engaged in active labor
requiring 4,000 calories per day or more will take approximately one-third of
their rations prepared in this fashion. Meat, eggs, and French toast cooked in
this way are served in millions of homes daily. Apparently the consumers are not
beset-with more signs of indigestion than afflict those who insist upon
broiling, roasting, or boiling. Some years ago one of our most eminent
physiologists investigated the digestibility of fried potatoes. He found that
the pan variety was more easily broken down for assimilation than when deep fat
was employed. The latter, however, dissolved within the alimentary tract more
readily than the boiled type. Furthermor A. it is easily prepared B. people engaged in active labor need the calories that fat supplies C. it is easily digested D. people do not read about nutrition [单选题]肺结核患者使用链霉素治疗过程中,出现全身麻木抽搐,此时选用的治疗药物是 (1分.)
A.10%葡萄糖酸钙 B.0.1%盐酸肾上腺素 C.新斯的明 D.地塞米松 E.山梗茶碱 [判断题]人员密集场所发生火灾,该场所的现场工作人员应当立即组织、引导在场人员疏散。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] When people think about air pollution, they usually think about smog, acid rain, CFC’’s, and other forms of outdoor air pollution. But do you know that air pollution also can exist inside homes and other buildings It can, and every year, the health of many people is affected by chemical substances present in the air within buildings.
A great deal of research on pollution is being conducted at laboratories and universities. The goals of the research are to find solutions and to educate the public about the problem. Two places where this type of work is being done are LBNL and the University of California, Berkeley. Let’’s take a closer look at the various types of air pollution, the effects that they have on people, and what is being (or not being) done to correct the problem.
What is Air Pollution
Air is the ocean we breathe. Air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live. Air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live. A
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