It is a commonplace among moralists
that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it. This is only true if you pursue it
{{U}} (62) {{/U}} . Gamblers at Monte Carlo are pursuing money, and most
of them lose it instead, {{U}} (63) {{/U}} there are other ways of
pursuing money, which often succeed. {{U}} (64) {{/U}} it is with
happiness. If you pursue it by {{U}} (65) {{/U}} of drink, you are
forgetting the hang-over (宿醉). Greek philosopher Epicurus pursued it by living
only in congenial (趣味相投的) society and eating only dry bread, A. even B. unless C. lest D. if [单项选择]原型化方法通过对原型的迭代初期和后期的模型验证,不断开发和修正需求,下列工作:
Ⅰ.用户进行验证 Ⅱ.发现遗漏和不正确的功能 Ⅲ.改善用户界面 Ⅳ.测试思路和提出建议 Ⅴ.总体检查,找出隐含错误 哪个(些) 工作属于迭代后期的任务 A. Ⅰ、Ⅲ和Ⅴ B. Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ C. Ⅱ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ D. 全部 [单选题]下列各项中属于产品固有特性的是( ).
A.价格 B.噪音 C.保修期 D.礼貌 [填空题]Eye behavior, involving varieties of eye-contact, can give subtle
messages which people pick up in their daily life. Warm looks or cold stares tell more than words can. Meeting or failing to meet another person’s eye produce a particular effect. When two Americans look 61. ______. searchingly at each other’s eye, emotions are heightened and the 62. ______. relationship becomes closer. However, Americans are careful about where 63. ______. and when to meet other’s eye. In our normal conversation, each eye contact lasts only a few seconds before one or both individuals look away, because the longer meeting of the eyes is rare, and after it happens, can 64. ______. generate a special kind of human-to-human awareness. For instance, by simply using his eyes. a man can make a woman aware of him comfortably or uncomfortably; a long and steady gaze from a policeman or judge [多项选择]依据《安全生产法》的规定,国务院负责安全生产监督管理的部门和县级以上地方人民政府负责安全监督管理的部门的主要职责包括( )。
A. 依法对有关安全生产的事项进行审批、验收 B. 对违反安全生产法律、法规的行为依法实施行政处罚 C. 指导、协调和监督本级人民政府有关部门负责的安全生产监督管理工作 D. 及时、如实报告安全生产事故 E. 依法对生产经营单位执行有关安全生产的法律、法规和国家标准或者行业标准的情形进行监督检查 [单项选择]急性坏死性小肠结肠炎,严重者全部空肠和回肠均可累及,但主要是在()
A. 回肠 B. 空肠 C. 十二指肠 D. 升结肠 E. 乙状结肠 [单项选择]糖尿病最常见的精神症状是
A. 焦虑症状 B. 幻觉 C. 抑郁情绪 D. 偏执状态 E. 意识障碍 [单项选择]打孔的快捷键是()。
A. H B. R C. K D. K 我来回答: 提交