Flats were almost unknown in Britain
until the 1850s when they were developed, along with other industrial dwellings,
for the laboring classes. These vast blocks were plainly a convenient means of
easing social conscience by housing large numbers of the ever-present poor on
compact city sites. During the 1880s, however, the idea of living in comfortable
residential chambers caught on with the affluent upper and uppermiddle-classes,
and controversy as to the advantages and disadvantages of flat life was a topic
of conversation around many a respectable dinner tab A. their French style of architecture. B. their revolutionary style of architecture. C. the ease with which they could be used as offices. D. the unusual number of rooms each flat contained. [单项选择]孢子丝菌最易感染()。
A. 小动脉 B. 小静脉 C. 淋巴管 D. 末梢神经 [单选题]单车试验器回转阀手柄第四位是( )
A.缓解感度试验位 B.制动感度试验位 C.紧急制动试验位 D.保压位 [单项选择]画笔软件通常是在()组是。
A. 游戏组 B. 程序组 C. 主群组 D. 附件组 [单项选择]预制梁所用细骨料的含泥量不大于()。
A. 0.5% B. 2% C. 1% [多选题]保险行业(含职业)风险要素可从以下哪些角度进行评估()
A.金融行业 B.公认具有较高风险的行业(职业) C.与特定洗钱风险的关联度,如客户属于政治公众人物及其亲属、身边工作人员 D.行业现金密集程度 [单选题]再沸器停工时应先( ).
A.停废水 B.停蒸汽 C.同时停废水跟蒸汽 D.先停哪个都行 [单选题]ABC 个体工商户发生的下列各项支出中,允许在个人 所得税税前扣除的是( )。
A.ABC 直接向某贫困中学的捐赠 B.代员工负担的个人所得税税款 C.已缴纳的城市维护建设税及教育费附加 D.家庭生活开销 [简答题]简述社会保障基金的含义、特征、投资运营的方式。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交