账龄 | 应收款项金额 | 估计损失率 |
0~3个月 | 100000 | 5% |
3个月~1年 | 80000 | 10% |
1年以上 |
[单选题]某客运企业有20辆营运客车,关于该企业动态监控人员管理说法正确的是( )。
A. 该企业可配备兼职动态监控人员 B. 该企业应配备至少1名专职动态监控人员 C. 该企业应配备至少2名专职动态监控人员 D. 动态监控人员必须由企业委托的具备培训能力的机构培训、考试合格后上岗。 [单选题]下列系统功能项中,不属于GIS系统安全设计考虑范畴的是( )。
A.用户管理 B.数据备份 C.结点检错 D.信息认证 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Scientists Develop Ways of Detecting Heart Attack
German researchers have come up with a new generation of defibrillators(除颤器)and early-warning software aimed at offering heart patients greater________ (51)from sudden death from cardiac arrest(心脏 停搏). In Germany alone,around 100,000 people die annually________(52)a result of cardiac arrest and many of these cases are caused by disruption to the heart's rhythm.Those most at________(53)are pa- tients who have already suffered a heart attack,and for years the use of defibrillators has proved useful in ________(54)life-threatening disruptions to heart rhythms and correcting them automatically by intervening within seconds.These devices________(55)on a range of functions,such as that of pacemaker(起 搏器). Heart specialists at Freiburg's University Clinic have now achieved a breakthrough with an implanted defibrillator________(56 ) of generating a six-channel electrocardiogram ( EG G,心电图)within the body. This integrated system allows _________( 57 ) diagnosis of severe blood-flow problems and a pending(即将发 生的)heart attack. It will be implanted in _________( 58 ) for the first time this year. Meanwhile , research- ers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Mathematics in Kaiserslautern have developed new computer soft- ware that________(59)the evaluation of EGG data more precise. The overwhelming majority of patients at risk will not have an implanted defibrillator and must for this ________(60)undergo regular EGGs."Many of the current programs only take into________(61)a line- ar correlation of the data. We are,however,making use in a non-linear process________(62)reveals the chaotic patterns of heart beats as an open and complex system,"Hagen Knaf says,"In this way changes in the heart________(63)over time can be monitored and individual variations in patients taken into ac- count."An old study of EGG data,based upon 600 patients who had________(64)a subsequent heart attack,enabled the researchers to compare risks and to show that the new software evaluates the________ (65)considerably better. _________(63) A.beats B.failures C.attacks D.shapes [单项选择]搅乱小山沟以往宁静的原因是()
A. 开通了火车 B. 人们可以做买卖 C. 火车停留的短暂一分钟 D. 小白脸乘务员 [不定项选择题]我国境内某市的经认定的一家高新技术电子产品生产企业,为增值税一般纳税人,2019年度有关经营情况如下:
(1)2019年度该企业应缴纳的增值税、城市维护建设税、教育费附加共计( )万元。
A.564.85 B.710.6 C.712.25 D.707.84 [单选题]要实现闭路必须保持( )平衡,否则,就不可能做到真正的,彻底的闭路和不污染环境。
A.煤泥量 B.洗水 C.水分 D.以上都不对 [单选题]任一台火灾报警控制器所连接的火灾探测器、手动火灾报警按钮和模块等设备总数和地址总数,均不应超过( ) 点,其中每一总线回路连接设备的总数不宜超过( ) 点,且应留有不少于额定容
量10% 的余量。
A.1600,100 B.3200,200 C.800,100 D.3600,120 [单选题]不属于个人住房贷款发放环节的风险点的是( )。
A.未按规定将贷款发放至相应账户 B.个人信贷信息录入是否准确 C.在发放条件不齐全的情况下放款 D.贷款担保手续是否齐备有效 我来回答: 提交